Dean Da Costa's Blog (675)

Title Search can be a waste!!

Title Search can be a waste!!

So a lot of sourcers still like to search by title. I mean the full title as listed on their job descriptions (JD). The only problem with this is there are a lot of different titles that can be used for the same job. For example you need a developer. You JD say Sr. Developer. That’s great but I have…


Added by Dean Da Costa on November 16, 2012 at 7:44pm — No Comments

Job Hoppers = no hire…Really

Job Hoppers = no hire…Really

Yup I said it, and this is going to be one of my most controversial posts to date. First let me start by saying this is mostly for corporate staffing. We all know that Hiring Managers (HM), HR, and a lot of Staffing Professionals(SP) have a bias against anyone who has had too many different jobs…


Added by Dean Da Costa on November 7, 2012 at 8:41pm — No Comments

Mining for Gold that is already there!!

Mining for Gold that is already there!!

ATS, HRIS, CRM what do all of these have in common? Answer almost every company has them, but most do not use them right. To that end let the mining or more correctly strip mining begin. How many companies have a candidate database(DB) of some kind, filled with candidates no one ever…


Added by Dean Da Costa on November 1, 2012 at 9:57pm — No Comments

What do candidates really want from staffing process??

What do candidates really want from staffing process??

What do candidates really want from staffing process? How do they really feel they should be treated? What is good candidate service and satisfaction? These are the questions that staffing professionals have wondered for years. The…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 24, 2012 at 10:43pm — 2 Comments

The Call!!

The Call!!

(note this post is mainly geared towards corporate staffing professionals)

So often when calling a potential candidate, most recruiters go into their sales pitch about a position they are looking to fill, if the person they are talking to seems interested, they might…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 16, 2012 at 10:00pm — No Comments

A great way to measure a good Staffing Professional!!!

Candidate and Client Satisfaction!!!- Well this is one of the most important issues for a recruiter/staffing professional. It is not just about filling positions. It is about having a good relationship with your client and ensuring you treat each candidate with respect. Remember it is a small…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 10, 2012 at 10:56pm — No Comments

The Makeup of a great Staffing Professional!!

The Makeup of a great Staffing Professional!!

So what is the secret sauce to being a great Staffing Professional? That is a question that has been debated for years, so I figured it’s time to answer it.

A great staffing professional will be inquisitive, they will be a hunter, a salesman, a writer, a PM and more. However the barebones of what makes a great staffing professional great is simple.

A great Staffing professional will be; quick of wit and…


Added by Dean Da Costa on October 1, 2012 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Analysis Paralysis!!

Analysis Paralysis!!

Over the last few months I have posted numerous posts about staffing matrixes. The main point was to not over analyze or get so caught up in the different stats and matrixes that you forget the who, what , when , how and why of the numbers. Well there is another potential problem with having too many matrixes that…


Added by Dean Da Costa on September 25, 2012 at 12:52pm — 4 Comments

Hiring managers and Social Media!!

Hiring managers and Social Media!!

So first this post is more geared toward corporate recruiting, but some could be applied toward any staffing.

So one of the big questions I get is what can hiring managers (HM) do to help staffing with regards to social media. The answer is simple, a lot.

It can start with ensuring the HMs has a complete LinkedIn profile and at the very least a twitter account. If at all possible a Blog, and accounts with…


Added by Dean Da Costa on September 11, 2012 at 8:50pm — 5 Comments

Project Management (PM) staffing style!!

Project Management (PM) staffing style!!

So as some of you may figure out this is not my original post. My original post was something I originally wrote and posted on a now defunct site in the last 90s. It appears someone else used it in 2000 and of course I reposted it a few years ago and decided to repost it again. So when I found out all this I decided not to go down the rode of…


Added by Dean Da Costa on September 7, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

You never know where or when?

You never know where or when?

So I was on vacation celebrating my 25th wedding anniversary. We went to Las Vegas. While there I meant this person, from SF who was out of work interestingly enough. I was thinking, okay they are out of work but in Las Vegas. Not being by business I chose to just have a casual conversation. I had not told them what I do for a living. At some point the conversation went back to what they do for a living.

Turned out…


Added by Dean Da Costa on August 28, 2012 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

Rumor, and Innuendo can destroy a career!!

Rumor, and Innuendo can destroy a career!!


Yup, it is true, it does not matter how good the facts say you are, how good the stats say you are, all that matters is what the "in crowd" "the click" think. It can even be and out and out lie, but if that group of people who are on the "in" think it is true, or propagate it, you are done. Even if you are the top performer in the company.


It is scary to think that in…


Added by Dean Da Costa on August 21, 2012 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Empowering Ourselves by making it about ME!!

Empowering Ourselves by making it about ME!!


Our society has gotten to accustomed to the blame game. We are used to everything being “someone else’s” fault. People blame others for their mistakes, and for bad things that happen to them. Blame is assigned to everyone from parents, to friends, and people in another country. It is always “they,” or “them,” or even “you!” That kind of thinking is disempowering. Using words like they and them is saying that…


Added by Dean Da Costa on August 13, 2012 at 4:19pm — No Comments

Something interesting happened!!

Something interesting happened!!


So to be honest I was not sure what I was going to write about this week. On Monday morning I was not going to write anything, but then I remembered an interesting chain of events that took place at work a few months ago, I thought you might find entertaining.


I had a potential candidate come to be by way of a recent hire. This person was very nice, great communication, smart; they…


Added by Dean Da Costa on August 7, 2012 at 5:54pm — No Comments

Is resume optimizing cheating?

Is resume optimizing cheating?


So recently I reposted a few posts to help people looking for work. One of the posts was about optimizing a resume for ATS and resume databases. I posted or reposted it, and got some interesting feedback form a few recruiters. One said I was telling their secrets, that by telling candidates how to optimize their resumes it will mean they will have more junk resumes to read.  Another said it was…


Added by Dean Da Costa on July 31, 2012 at 10:30pm — 17 Comments

Project Management (PM) staffing style!!

So I posted this about 18 mnthes ago but I have been getting a lot of requets to repost it so here it is.


Project Management (PM) staffing style!!

One way I have found to be very successful as a staffing professional is to Treat every opening like a project and use the basic PM steps to ensure you do the job right. Step one is to do needs analysis. This is the same thing as your first meeting with your client to determine what they need, write the…


Added by Dean Da Costa on July 25, 2012 at 2:34pm — No Comments

Using 5W&H is the key to everything

Using 5W&H is the key to everything


The 5W&H stands for; who, what, when, where, how and why. If we are doing things right these 6 words are always used, will always provide the information and answers we need and are the key to success.


For example doing research prior to sourcing. When doing this research you should, as a minimum be asking the following…


Added by Dean Da Costa on July 16, 2012 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Don’t forget to Sell the Candidate Hiring Manager!!

Don’t forget to Sell the Candidate Hiring Manager!!

Every candidate should leave “your Company” with a positive impression regardless of the outcome of the interview. All candidates have friends who will inevitably hear about positive or negative experiences while interviewing.

It is especially important to sell candidates whom we expect to offer.

Some reasons to sell “your Company” and your group:

  • Tough competition for talented…

Added by Dean Da Costa on July 10, 2012 at 11:21pm — 1 Comment

Who should you follow!! Updated

Who should you follow!! Updated


So this is an update to my original post about who to follow in the staffing world. So in reality you should not strive to be a follower but a leader. That said this post is about who out in the industry should you follow. Mind you this is the UPDATED list and there will be more updates coming. By follow I mean on twitter, connected to on Linkedin, RSS feeds etc. People or companies that will provide…


Added by Dean Da Costa on July 3, 2012 at 3:48pm — No Comments

SOM- Staffing Organization Maturity!!

SOM- Staffing Organization Maturity!!


SOM- Staffing Organization Maturity, is simply put the maturity of a company or organization as it relates to HR and Staffing. This correlates to the process, procedures, systems, standing and programs used for Staffing and HR.


Example some companies are not ready for social media, some companies are not ready for remote workers, etc. Some still think of HR as a necessary evil…


Added by Dean Da Costa on June 26, 2012 at 10:07am — No Comments

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