Dean Da Costa's Blog (675)

Helping those looking for work!!!!!!!!!

So given the unemployment rate went up a week or so ago, I thought I would repost a 3 part series I did about a year ago on resumes, finding a job and more. So here we go.


Part 1


Your Resume the Key to new Opportunities!! 

Your resume, think of it as the key to opening doors to new possibilities and opportunities.  So given it is the key, you should probably learn how to write a great resume. First there are 3 main styles of…


Added by Dean Da Costa on August 26, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Linkedin cheats etc

Linkedin cheats etc


LinkedIn has become huge, and using it for sourcing has become even bigger. But of course sourcing within LinkedIn has limitations. Below are some tips, tricks, cheats that may help. Most are nothing more than utilizing the things you learned in my previous postings. But here they are more specialized.


So domain and site searches in search engines add…


Added by Dean Da Costa on August 20, 2011 at 1:42am — No Comments

Sourcing and searching the variables.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sourcing and searching the variables.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As some of you read in my post on research, using that research to improve your

search strings and sourcing is very important. You will lock yourself into a very small pool of candidates if you do not use the variables.


variables = changeable-for purposes of sourcing it means another word or set of words that will garner the same type of candidates ex “HP…


Added by Dean Da Costa on August 12, 2011 at 9:52pm — No Comments

Interviewing is a 2 way street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Interviewing is a 2 way street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Most staffing professionals, hiring managers, and others who do interviews seem to be under a misunderstanding as it relates to interviewing. They feel that they are doing the interviewing and that is all. They do not realize that the candidate is interviewing us as well.


When you are interviewing a candidate the candidate is taking mental notes of everything said,…


Added by Dean Da Costa on August 3, 2011 at 6:45pm — No Comments

Reporting, and matrices a hidden land mine!!

Reporting, and matrices a hidden land mine!!


I have done several postings on reporting and on matrices. In all of them I stress the importance of not using the stats alone to make decisions. The reason for that is because stats alone do not tell you the whole story. It is imperative you understand the WHY’s behind the numbers. If not you will fall into the hidden land mind that these reports and matrices create. You will make choices based on half…


Added by Dean Da Costa on July 28, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Deliver your message with!!!!

Deliver your message with!!!!


Along the lines of Hootsuite, PingFM, Twitterfeed and the like comes a new way to deliver your message, This tool is simple and easy to use. Once you get a free account it takes less than 1 minute to start delivering your feed to any of your social networks. It will also supply you some stats on your tweets, posts, followers, and more. You can plug in any analytics like Google, Omniture…


Added by Dean Da Costa on July 22, 2011 at 2:31pm — 2 Comments

Technical testing when and how to do it!!!

Technical testing when and how to do it!!!

Within the staffing community, Hiring teams (HT, (this consists of Hiring manager, and possible first and second level interviewers) and businesses themselves there has always been controversy over how do you determine the expertise level of a candidate. Interviews, technical testing, reference checks, and more are all tools that can be used. Some staffing professionals (SP), and companies…


Added by Dean Da Costa on July 11, 2011 at 1:14pm — No Comments

Unemployed need not apply..Really…Really!!

Unemployed need not apply..Really…Really!!


You read it right, there are actually companies out there who are putting up signs or including in

their job descriptions that the “unemployed need not apply”.


How pathetic, how disgusting, how wrong. The bad part is because the unemployed are not a

Protective class, there is nothing that can be done about it. Now of course if the company must



Added by Dean Da Costa on June 16, 2011 at 7:54pm — 11 Comments

Process makes perfect!!

Process makes perfect!!


As, with anything, that involves multiple people or entities having to work together, it goes much easier when everyone understands the hows and whys of working together. As a staffing professional, we must ensure we establish the process we will use to help our clients fill positions. A well established and agreed upon process makes it easier all around. Everyone knows what to expect from you and what is expected from them. Go so…


Added by Dean Da Costa on June 10, 2011 at 4:54pm — 1 Comment

"Treat them the way you would want to be treated"

"Treat them the way you would want to be treated"


Candidate and Client Satisfaction!!!- Well this is one of the most important issues for a recruiter/staffing professional. It is not just about filling positions. It is about having a good relationship with your client and ensuring you treat each candidate with respect. Remember it is a small world and I can guarantee you, candidates talk. You treat one bad and it will get…


Added by Dean Da Costa on June 3, 2011 at 1:13pm — No Comments

No such thing as too much communication!!

No such thing as too much communication!!


      As with any relationship communication is key. I have found it is far better to over communicate than under communicate. Clients appreciate knowing what is going on and one of the biggest complaints about recruiting is lack of communication. One of the biggest ways to do this is to manage your inbox. Do not let it become overwhelming and a place where emails go to die. Stay on top of it. Respond to…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 27, 2011 at 10:08pm — No Comments

Change can be good!!!!

My apologies for no post last week. I have been very ill. But am back up, sort of, and running so here we go!!



Change can be good!!!!


Change, one of the scariest words in the English dictionary, also one of the most exciting, and perhaps one of the most important. Change means - to become different, or make something or somebody different. For us in staffing it means the ability to be flexible. This means just…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 20, 2011 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Part 4 of the ever expanding staffing function!!!

So this is part 4 the end.

Over the last few weeks I have posted allot of info about the 3 models. I posted roles, responsibilities, positive and negative point about each as well as metrics used to measure the success of each.

Now for a few tidbits, things to keep in mind when deciding, and my overall thoughts.

The A-z Model or monofunction is the oldest. One person does it all. It can work, but to make it work you need to ensure the following are in…


Added by Dean Da Costa on May 6, 2011 at 1:18pm — No Comments

Part 3 of the ever expanding staffing function!!!

Part 3 of the ever expanding staffing function!!!


So this is part 3 of the series or in reality it is the 4th installation but we are talking about the 3rd model. Here we are going to focus on the trifunction model also called sourcer(Also can use titles of researcher)/caller(also can be called screener or interviewer)/account manager(also can be called)client manager. (for acronyms see first post in this series)

In the…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 28, 2011 at 5:32pm — No Comments

Part 2 of the ever expanding staffing function!!!

Part 2 of the ever expanding staffing function!!!


So this is part 2 of the series, or in reality it is the 3rd installation but we are talking about the 2nd model. Here we are going to focus on the difunction model also called amr/cgr and finder/filler. (for acronyms see first post in this series)

In the difunction model 2 staffing professionals split the SLC in 2. One does the account/client management function…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 22, 2011 at 1:48pm — No Comments

Remember it is not personal!!!

Remember it is not personal!!!

I am taking time out form my series on “staffing function” to address those in need.

Times are strange right now. People are losing their jobs for the strangest reasons. You must always remember that in most cases it is not personal. In most cases it is not personal, it is business. That is not to say sometimes it is never personal, politics make for strange bedfellows, I have been victim of that myself more than once.…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 14, 2011 at 10:08pm — 1 Comment

Part 1 of “The ever expanding staffing function” Series!!!

Part 1 of “The ever expanding staffing function” Series!!!


So this is part 1 of the series. Here we are going to focus on the monofunction model also called full lifecycle, and A-Z.

The monofunction model is very simple. 1 staffing professional does it all A-Z; they help with the job description, they source candidates, they screen candidates, they walk them through the interview and hire process and work directly with the…


Added by Dean Da Costa on April 6, 2011 at 4:07pm — No Comments

The Ever expanding staffing function!!!

The Ever expanding staffing function!!!

So this is going to be the start of a 5 part series in the expansion of the staffing function. What I mean by expanding is not that we as staffing professional are expanding what we do, although that will be a subject of future posts. But rather that the SLC((Staffing Lifecycle)see past blog postings) is being broken apart into separate functions or specialties.

Just as HR, which once encompassed everything, and is now broken…


Added by Dean Da Costa on March 30, 2011 at 12:25am — No Comments

Research - To find it, you must understand it!!!!!

Research - To find it, you must understand it!!!!!


Research Comes First – Research is the key to success for any great sourcer. Research to learn what you are looking for, what it might be called or known as, and were it might be found. Research is the beginning step for all great sourcers. Every great sourcer should have an organized library of resources. Whether this comes in the form of organized bookmarks and favorites or a notebook, it…


Added by Dean Da Costa on March 23, 2011 at 9:48pm — No Comments

The secret to having a resume that is searchable!!!

The secret to having a resume that is searchable!!!

As you all know when you apply to a job, your resume goes into a huge database, were the recruiter then searches based on skills and buzz words. The problem is of course sometimes it is hard to know what words they will search on, and without these words in your resume someplace, you resume may not get pulled as being a fit for a position.


Well here are a few of the little secrets to…


Added by Dean Da Costa on March 16, 2011 at 1:17am — 2 Comments

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