Stephanie Huff's Blog (4)

Proactive Recruitment: How to develop a Powerful Proactive Strategy:

To improve recruitment metrics taking a more proactive approach will furnish more successful results. Taking on a more proactive recruitment process means engaging with folks long before a position comes open by building a pipeline of qualified talent that is ready to be put into place as soon as a position is available. For many companies the challenge is time. There are so many active openings that there isn’t enough time to pipeline for future ones. Another challenge is resources. Who should… Continue

Added by Stephanie Huff on October 28, 2009 at 12:44pm — 3 Comments

Creating a New Company Culture

It is obvious that there are companies out there that adapt so well to the ever changing environments. Some companies have a culture where adapting to technology almost comes as second nature. Yet there are other companies refusing to accept what is changing around them. The big question is.... How does a company cope with changing its culture?

My company is strong in being ahead of the curve when it comes to products and services. LexisNexis was the first to create legal research… Continue

Added by Stephanie Huff on August 28, 2009 at 1:00pm — No Comments

No Longer a Candidate's Market-Yet have the challenges really changed?

Just over a year ago the buzz in the market was all about how much today is a buyer’s (candidate’s) market and how there were more jobs than there was talent to fill the openings. From about 2001 to the end of 2007 the economy was souring and the number of jobs being created was increasing at fast rates. It was a time when such statistics as "44 million Gen “X”ers in the workforce to replace 77 million retirees" and "11,000 people are reaching age 55 every day" were staggering numbers that… Continue

Added by Stephanie Huff on July 22, 2009 at 8:16pm — No Comments

Another Linkedin Back Door

I am sure someone else has already figured it out but I just did and was excited to share. I realized that when I inmail someone with a private profile, once you send them an inmail you can go back in to review that inmail and Linkedin actually adds in the first name of that person to the message. Gold mine! That just made it so much easier to call in to the company. I have a list of first names and job titles! Yeah!!!

Added by Stephanie Huff on May 28, 2009 at 11:42am — No Comments


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