Ryan Harding's Blog – December 2012 Archive (6)

Telecommuting...Good or Bad?

This is a hot topic in our industry, and is becoming more and more of a hot button to recruiters when looking for a new job. I know there are many differing opinions on the matter, which mostly hinge on your tenure, and how you produce in the office. How could your boss or your company trust you to work at home when it tough for you to stay focused in the office? The answer to this question would be depending on…


Added by Ryan Harding on December 28, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Why I stay away from job boards….

I will first say that I do see value in job boards, and believe it is a critical tool to become successful as a sourcer/recruiter.  It’s like building a house.  You can not and would not build a house with just one tool.  It takes many tools to build a home that will stand the test of time.  As a recruiter/sourcer, you need to take the same approach when finding the perfect candidate.  Not only will you be successful, but you will be able to find candidates no one else is working with. …


Added by Ryan Harding on December 20, 2012 at 12:17am — 13 Comments

Prepare for the worst...


Being a recruiter, it is part of your job to tell candidates when they are not being considered for a position, when they blew an interview, and when they no longer have a job.  Looking for a job can be a very emotional time for a candidate, and breaking this type of news to them is not an easy thing to do. 


During my career I have had to do this many times, and I can say with certainty I would be more than happy to give a candidate the benefit of the doubt if they…


Added by Ryan Harding on December 19, 2012 at 4:23pm — No Comments

You Think You're Better Than Me?

What makes one recruiter better than another? Are some recruiters better at finding talent? Is it only about finding the right talent? Does the number of candidates found make you best?

The list can go on and on, but I think you get the point.  

Starting my recruiting career on the agency side I have been exposed to A LOT of different recruiters with VERY different styles in recruiting.  Some of these recruiters love the quantity of candidates, while some of…


Added by Ryan Harding on December 13, 2012 at 11:29pm — 1 Comment

Reading between the lines during an interview!

A while back I came across an article that was able to bring the interview back to 4 main questions.  I have always found this information to be helpful to share with candidates before an interview.

I would be interested in get your thoughts on if you feel anything is missing.

1.)   Why are you here?

  1. No one is going to ask you this straight out, but it is something good to consider before going in for an interview.  What skill do you have that will allow you to be…

Added by Ryan Harding on December 13, 2012 at 6:00am — No Comments

Applying for job is like finding a date to the senior prom!

Part of my job as a recruiter is to help people find a job.  May not be with my company, but if I can be a resource for someone in their job search then I am more than happy to do so.  Here is my first peice of advice...DON'T APPLY FOR EVERY JOB OPENING AT A COMPANY!!!!  I can see why a candidate may think this is a good approach (someone has to notice my resume if I sent it 1500 times), but in the end does it not make the candidate look desperate?


Let's put a little spin on…


Added by Ryan Harding on December 12, 2012 at 3:49pm — 1 Comment


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