Rahil Desoza's Blog (9)

10 Best Online Website Builder

Are you a businessman looking to build your enterprise or a blogger who wants to start a blog of his own to show the world what he is capable of? If you often wonder whether the traditional ways of gathering audience is enough or not, then the answer is a big NO. You have to build your own website, my friend! That’s the only solution.


Added by Rahil Desoza on February 11, 2016 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

All About Human Resource Development

Human resource is one of the most essential resources for any organization and its development that is if the organization is self-motivated and growth oriented. Unlike the other essential resources that the organization works with human resource is most potential and capable in helping the organization grow and develop in the right direction. Human resource is a collective term for a number of functions that guide the organization towards attaining value and organizational growth through…


Added by Rahil Desoza on February 7, 2016 at 10:00am — No Comments

10 Ways to Develop Interpersonal Skills

It is rightly said that a smart business person is not just a businessman; he is a smart communicator too. He knows how to interact with other people and how to handle and solve all the issues by interacting. Interpersonal skills are not only important, but they also show your ability to use every possible thing as a scope and resource. Lets know why are these interpersonal skills important, and how can you develop them?


Added by Rahil Desoza on February 5, 2016 at 10:00am — No Comments

Career as a Web Development Professional

A web development professional’s job involves creating websites, keeping them functional, and updating them when required. To do this, you need to know web design concepts and theories and proficiency in a programming language or two. You also need to know how various website elements come together, such as web applications, databases and servers. Additionally, a web developer should be able to predict how users interact with a website and create an interface for optimum website performance…


Added by Rahil Desoza on February 5, 2016 at 10:00am — No Comments

How to Build Business Marketing Plans?

Why is it important to have a business marketing plan? Why is actually marketing important? You know you have a number of competitors around you who are much bigger than you and perform much better than you. Why do they perform better? What is the strategy? Most people exist and perform in their business because of their goodwill and their age old existence in the market and industry. Some businesses are old yet unnoticed and not as famous as they should be. Either they are not competitive…


Added by Rahil Desoza on February 3, 2016 at 10:00am — No Comments

15 Cool Web Design Ideas to Try

Every web design has something more to it than just what meets the eye. You must have been spending hours online looking at different websites to pick up some discernible trends in web design. The web as it is aptly termed as world-wide-web has gradually become a very colourful and eye catching virtual world to surf. Creativity is spreading its wings wider and web designs are getting better and unique with each passing day.


Added by Rahil Desoza on January 29, 2016 at 10:00am — No Comments

Tips to Get Better in Business and Finance

Entrepreneurs are self taught in most respects, but when it comes to managing business finances, what counts is being prepared. Keeping up with receipt, invoice and payment across the year and stable financial record keeping are easier said than done. If you have a small business which you want to nurture to a giant company, here are some crucial finance tips for you. So, read on to get the numbers right when it comes to financial management.


Added by Rahil Desoza on January 29, 2016 at 10:00am — No Comments

Virtualization and OpenStack

OpenStack is among the fastest growing Cloud Operating system. However the word is hugely confused and lots of people don’t get the real idea behind it. In this article we try to dissect the technology behind OpenStack, and how it came to existence. But before we dive deep into OpenStack, we need to understand in depth about some aspects about the technology behind OpenStack called Virtualization.


Added by Rahil Desoza on January 20, 2016 at 10:00am — No Comments

Top Marketing Management Functions

Marketing is one of most frequently used word in business lexicon but perhaps not fully understood by the common man. Most people tend to confuse it with sales or think it is a superlative function of selling. Marketing is at the core of success of any product or that of the company that produces it. Sometimes it is said even an average product can be sold by intelligent marketing management. It is not the product that matters but how you sell it which underlines the importance of this core…


Added by Rahil Desoza on January 16, 2016 at 6:00am — No Comments


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