OneWire's Blog (13)

How to Improve Your Job Post to Get More Applicants

Alexandra Petrini, Director of Marketing at OneWire

Alexandra Petrini, Director of Marketing at …


Added by OneWire on July 31, 2018 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

4 Email Tactics that Will Improve Your Candidate Response Rate

Alexandra Petrini, Director of Marketing at OneWire

Alexandra Petrini, Director of Marketing at OneWire

So you’ve been sourcing resumes for hours and you finally find the perfect candidates. What comes next? Your intro email…


Added by OneWire on April 4, 2018 at 5:22pm — No Comments

Three Marketing Ingredients for a Killer Employer Brand in 2018

Alexandra Petrini, Director of Marketing at OneWire

Alexandra Petrini, Director of Marketing at OneWire

Recruitment marketing is the name of the game this year and creating a killer employer brand should be a top priority for your company in 2018.

As the director of marketing at OneWire, I’ve become an expert at…


Added by OneWire on January 11, 2018 at 11:08am — No Comments

5 Ways to Tweak Your Recruiting Strategy for Entry-Level Talent

It’s back to school season, and not just for students. September is the best time to recruit entry-level talent and companies have already begun recruiting the Class of 2018 on OneWire.  If you haven’t already, it’s time to get started!

Recruiting entry-level talent is different than hiring experienced professionals. In addition…


Added by OneWire on September 12, 2017 at 2:37pm — No Comments

Are these job description mistakes impacting your application completion rate?

A well-written job description can be your ultimate weapon in your recruiting toolbox. It’s the first time a candidate interacts with your employer brand and can influence their perception of your company as a whole.

However, if you’ve made any mistakes within the job description, it can impact everything from your application completion rate to candidate experience. Take an extra few minutes to review your post, checking for the mistakes below. It could mean the…


Added by OneWire on June 27, 2017 at 10:55am — No Comments

Hiring this summer? Stay on track with this month-to-month recruiting checklist!

Summer – the season of calmer workdays, lazy weekends and long awaited vacations. If you’re responsible for hiring this summer though, you may think differently.

Recruiting during the summer months can be difficult for even the most seasoned hiring manager. Colleagues are on vacation, candidates aren’t responding and the talent market quiets down…


Added by OneWire on June 1, 2017 at 10:00am — No Comments

Time for spring cleaning! 4 easy steps to de-cluttering your hiring process.

It’s officially recruiting season and if your company hasn’t removed the clutter from its hiring process, then it may be time for some overdue spring cleaning.

Streamlining the hiring process is important to attracting and bringing in new talent. Job candidates who are unimpressed by the way they’re being evaluated may go elsewhere to find work, and word about long and confusing recruitment procedures can spread quickly.

Ultimately, streamlining the…


Added by OneWire on May 22, 2017 at 9:00am — No Comments

5 Tricks to Source Candidates Faster

Kimberly Horan, Executive Search Recruiter at OneWire

After seeing a number of teams still relying on the “post and pray” model, I wanted to share some tips this week on how hiring managers and recruiters can source candidates faster. One of…


Added by OneWire on April 27, 2017 at 3:24pm — 6 Comments

Not getting enough applicants? It’s time to mix up your recruiting strategy.

not getting enough applicants

Recruiting has come a long way since the days of classified ads in the newspaper. Today, there are thousands of platforms to advertise your openings to prospective employees. Yet somehow, hiring managers still struggle with not getting enough applicants – or the right ones.

Where are hiring managers going wrong? The post and pray model has been around for …


Added by OneWire on March 2, 2017 at 8:47am — 1 Comment

Not a recruiter? Here’s how to manage the hiring process.

There’s a reason that recruiting has its own function in larger companies. The hiring process can be lengthy and time-consuming, especially if you’re not a recruiter. Whether you’ve been tasked with hiring for the entire firm, or just your team, juggling the hiring process along with your actual job responsibilities is daunting. The tips below will help you stay on top of everything, recruiting and otherwise.

Research Best…


Added by OneWire on February 22, 2017 at 2:14pm — 1 Comment

Reduce your time-to-hire with these 5 communication tips

reduce time-to-hire

You sourced candidates, brought them in for interviews, emailed your colleagues for feedback, and got…radio silence. After making it through almost every stage of the hiring process, you’re stuck chasing down your colleagues while sought-after talent takes another offer.

Everyone involved in the recruiting process has faced this problem at some point or other. Lack of internal communication can be one of the most time consuming aspects of hiring new talent. No matter…


Added by OneWire on January 24, 2017 at 4:35pm — No Comments

Three Steps to Prepare Your Firm for Bonus Season Turnover

The outlook for the 2016 bonus season on Wall Street is not looking promising. A new report by Johnson Associates, a compensation consultant firm, predicts another year of disappointing bonuses for the financial services industry. “Incentive pay” as they call it, has been declining since 2014 and will hit everyone from investment bankers to hedge funders. This year, bonuses are anticipated to drop…


Added by OneWire on December 7, 2016 at 9:46am — No Comments

Three easy ways to keep track of candidates while hiring

No matter how many candidates you’re vetting, moving them all through the hiring process is not an easy task.  Keeping track of communication with up to hundreds of candidates for multiple positions at a time can trip up even the most experienced hiring manager. To better manage your applicant flow and get a clearer picture of each candidate, use the following tips to help yourself differentiate between your prospective talent.

Vary your interview…


Added by OneWire on October 4, 2016 at 10:22am — No Comments


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