Andrea Persico's Blog (8)

Barbeques, Sun Tans, and Career Networking?

In the last three months, more people have quit their jobs than been laid off, according to a recent AP article. Is this a sign of better economic times or an exhausted workforce that in light of recent layoffs have endured more stressful environments? Could it be that…


Added by Andrea Persico on June 11, 2010 at 10:51am — No Comments

Top 10 Reasons For Not Getting An Interview

Lately the media is suggesting an improved economy and that companies are hiring. It is hard to cross the street without a self proclaimed career expert giving advice. Google, CNN, and Yahoo!

constantly feature articles regarding job searching and yet many

candidates find that they are sending out countless resumes and not



Added by Andrea Persico on April 9, 2010 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

To Tweet or Not To Tweet?

My name is apersico and I am a tweetaholic. Ok well I am not quite there….but if I lose focus I could be.

Twitter is my latest social networking obsession, and for those of you that have been on the moon (although even some…


Added by Andrea Persico on March 10, 2010 at 4:30pm — No Comments

The Five Day Digital Detox

Happy 2010! With the turn of a new year and decade, many people set resolutions which commonly revolve around fitness and health. I, like everyone else, have a few of those, but have also been thinking about my career goals and what I would like to accomplish professionally in 2010.

In the last year the business world continued its exposure on social networking sites such as Twitter and… Continue

Added by Andrea Persico on January 8, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

The 7 Habits of the Highly Annoying Social Networkers

1. Sending spam messages selling products on professional focused social networking sites. Yesterday I received an InMail on LinkedIn with a list of recommended holiday presents and links to purchase them from a fellow group member…seriously? How is this related to professional networking?

2. Sending personal anecdotes or jokes to people you do not know personally. Such as the… Continue

Added by Andrea Persico on December 14, 2009 at 10:50am — 40 Comments

Branding Yourself on Social Networks During the Job Search…

Social networks are the new job boards. Recruiters and employers heavily rely on business communities such as LinkedIn and are even exploring Facebook and Twitter to extend their search for talent. Business groups on social networks are exploding and the want ads and job boards are becoming a thing of the past. If you are in the market for a new position, it is critical that you use these networks to your advantage.… Continue

Added by Andrea Persico on December 8, 2009 at 3:26pm — No Comments

Manners Matter in the Interview Process

Is common courtesy essential in the interview process? Do manners matter? The obvious answer is yes. Yet recently, I have witnessed a number of candidates that seem to think otherwise. Despite the economic climate candidates are still no-showing interviews, blowing off client requested tests and not returning calls. I am left wondering….do candidates really think this is acceptable?

People don’t blow off doctor, hair, or even car maintenance appointments for fear that they will be… Continue

Added by Andrea Persico on December 8, 2009 at 3:24pm — 2 Comments

Ask Andrea…I am a Senior Level candidate and can’t seem to find a job – what should I do???

Job Qualifications are changing as rapidly as the markets themselves. A year ago everyone was desperate to hire the most technically savvy candidate they could find. If you made less than six figures you were quickly dismissed because it was assumed that you didn’t have the skills to fit these high tech roles. In the last year, like many markets, that paradigm has changed. Budgets are cut, firms are folding and suddenly the most sought after candidates of yester year are plentiful. Every day I… Continue

Added by Andrea Persico on December 8, 2009 at 3:22pm — No Comments


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