Hi Everyone,

I have a client who will probably need a company to do a few background checks soon. Any recommendations? I'm not familiar with any. I think they will want to find one who can provide the basic employment screening and offer a drug testing option.

Also, if they are not doing these checks currently, would there be a potential issue if they do them on some candidates and not others? And if they start now, will they have to do them on all hires going forward?

Thanks for any assistance!

Views: 241

Comment by Sandra McCartt on September 22, 2011 at 5:05pm
Amber,  Gordon Basichis is a member of RBC.  He is the cofounder of the Corra Group in LA.  We have not used his company but i have read a number of the posts he has posted here on the site.  You might review his posts and speak with him about a possible referral to your client.
Comment by Valentino Martinez on September 22, 2011 at 5:41pm

Hi Amber,

Sandra is right to suggest Gordon Basichis as a possible resource for "background check" related concerns.  He's an expert and I recently connected him to a recent post in the subject area.


Relative to your broader question about once you start doing background checks for some are you obligated to do them for others?  I would say, "Yes" in the sense that if an employer's employment screening process is inconsistent and, say, favors some over others--that employer is vulnerable to challenge by job applicants; the EEOC and the OFCCP.

If the selection process isn't fair and consistent within reason it could be problematic for an employer.  Ignorance of the law is not an excuse that holds up well in court.

Comment by Amber on September 22, 2011 at 6:18pm
@Sandra & Valentino - thanks, I will look him up!
Comment by Gordon Basichis on September 23, 2011 at 12:42am


Consistency is the key.  What you do for one you do for the others.  However, you can vary the searches, the complexity of searches depending on the strata of the hire.  So for basic entry people you may want to conduct one series of background checks.  For you mid-management or "C Level" executives you may wish to add more comprehensive searches.  That's okay, as long as on that strata you keep it uniform.


Comment by Kelly Wied on September 23, 2011 at 11:54am
I use Verifications, Inc.


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