A simple but effective recruitment auto-response

I was emailing a prospect the other day when I got their auto-responder email they send to candidates. It immediately caught my eye as a simple but effective message. I like the casual tone it sets for potential candidates and and how they encourage you to like them on social media. The flickr account is a nice touch. Every employer should showcase their offices with photos.

So you want to work at Firstborn? That’s good news because we’re always looking for talented people to join our team. If we think there may be a fit, we’ll give you a ring and set something up face-to-face. In the meantime, feel free to check us out on Twitter, Facebook and Flickr and meet the team.

Happy Stalking,

The Firstborn Team






Chris Russell is the CEO/founder of AllCountyJobs.com and has been in the online recruiting space since 1999.

Views: 4297

Comment by Paul S. Gumbinner on January 24, 2012 at 11:03am

The best part about your post is that there IS an auto response.  From what I hear from candidates, 99% of all responses go into a black hole with no response at all.  Good for Firstborn.  Thanks for posting.

Comment by Kirby Cole on January 25, 2012 at 5:55pm

I think that message tells you a lot more than just the words that are typed.  I read into their culture from the tone, their sense of humor(stalker much), and their brand push socially.  Good stuff in my opinion...


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