Inside the Brain of the Passive Candidate

Over the past few weeks I've been working with Entelo to create this infographic. It shows the signals that passive candidates give off when they're maybe getting more receptive to a recruiter's call. Check it out and then download the passive candidate white paper herefor even more info like:

  • 18 Signals of passive candidate availability
  • Signals from company-level data and individual-level data
  • Valid inferences and action steps for each data point

Inside the Brain of the Passive Candidate

Download the passive candidate white paper here for even more info ...

Views: 1272

Comment by Jerry Albright on October 3, 2012 at 3:14pm

Interesting.  I'm wondering though about the "wait a little while" recommendation regarding those who have recently changed jobs.  Why? 


In my opinion - those are great people for recruiters to call.  For agency recruiters this call could lead to potential job leads where the candidate may have interviewed.  For the corporate folks - a conversation with someone who has recently left a company may very well lead directly to others who might also be interested in a move.


I have to question any material that suggests "not" calling anyone. 

Comment by Gerry Crispin on October 4, 2012 at 2:21pm

Love the Infographic. Nice job Maren. This should build lot of dialogue inside firms.

I agree with Jerry that 'tenure' offers changes in the approach...not whether to call or not. A timely call to someone three months in might identify 'regret'...which is great if you weren't the one who placed him But, at the same time I agree the likelihood it will convert in the short term isn't much...its a great first touchpoint though if you can offer suggests on maximizing their early 'success' in their new job with tips they might not know. The payoff is later #justsayin

Comment by Jason Webster on October 5, 2012 at 10:29am're slipping. I fully expected the "Nice Ad!" comment when I saw your name in the comments:)

The infographic is well-done, and not too busy. I have to say that many infographics seem to try too hard, and get too confusing. That said, I agree that there are periods of higher and lower activity between a recruiter and their prospect. However, top recruiters can add value at any time in the lifecycle of a candidate's career. For example, when one starts a new job there is an opportunity to coach them through the on-boarding process. Top recruiters also understand timing of when to engage at a higher level. It all comes down to trust.

Comment by Maren Hogan on October 31, 2012 at 3:23pm

Bummer! I didn't see these comments til now. I really appreciate them all though. Jerry you make a great point, although that's just a graphic of what the aggregate data shows, not individuals obviously. Gerry, thanks for weighing in, I think that you're right in that some would want to stick it out a few more months before calling it a day, less true in the contracting world obviously. Jason, hey!! It's not an AD! I hope it doesn't come across as too busy, me and the people over at Entelo deliberately kept the bazillion algorithm components off to avoid that very thing!

Comment by Kerry Skemp on December 21, 2012 at 1:05pm

I like the recognition of the importance of social; it follows that those using social should also have a mobile strategy, since social is often experienced through that channel. (But is 21% really almost as big as 44%? Inaccurate scaling is an infographic pet peeve of mine!)


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