Fall into the Holiday Season with 7 Networking Tips

Halloween is here (already?) and our minds naturally roll into thoughts of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah… [insert holiday here]. With the changing of seasons comes an excuse to get together with co-workers or complete strangers at a themed networking event. We thought it might be handy to pass along these tips from an article by Maren Hogan entitled 7 Ways to Network Better:


1) Don’t interrupt. This takes a great deal of patience in my experience. When you see someone to whom you would like to be introduced, take note of their body language. If they are in a group of three or more and standing, by all means, go up to the group, stand quietly and slightly back and wait to be acknowledged. Once you are, introduce yourself; ask if they (and other parties to be polite) have a few minutes later to chat. If they are speaking one on one in a private room or sitting down, wait for another opportunity.


2) Focus on their work… People love to talk about what they do or themselves. Usually those at a professional conference have some impetus to speak about their product or service and you should ask. Not only does this make them happier to talk to you but it makes you a better informed networker. Also, you should want to know what’s going on.


3) …as a way to eventually talk about your own. Networking does you no good if you don’t have a succinct and interesting way to talk about how you fit into the picture. If you’re anything like me, you might stumble over your words a few times, so as silly as it sounds, practice. Learn how to explain what you do and why it’s important to at least three audiences (in under 30 seconds).


RELATED:  Can You Clearly Articulate What You Do?


4) Talk to the vendors or sponsors. This is probably the most overlooked networking idea… ever. It might surprise you but the vendors and sponsors of networking events and conferences have done this many times before, they’ve been to loads of sessions and talked to your counterparts all over the country, either face to face or during implementations and service calls. So, they know a lot. Talking to vendors can yield a ton of information and they are literally there to speak to you.


5) Go to the dinners and not the parties. I ignore this one because I have the attention span of a gnat, but you shouldn’t. The intimacy and conversation that comes from a dinner far outweighs the crazy shenanigans that comes with the parties. But if you have the energy and the bandwidth, go to both.


6) Stay comfortable. Or as comfortable as possible in networking attire (ties, heels etc). If you want to have a conversation longer than 5 minutes, always be the one to suggest that you and your companion(s) sit down. I guarantee they’ll take you up on it and then you can all focus on doing some business rather than how much your feet hurt.


7) Be friendly. I used to wait for people to come up to me at networking events because I didn’t want to bother them and then I realized that almost everyone feels the same way. A smile and a warm approach go a long way toward making new networkers and conference goers feel welcome and (I don’t care if this sounds corny) makes a first impression that people really do remember, for years.


RELATED: Networking Tips for the Timid


Finally, save the “letting loose” for your family get-togethers and use these tips to get the most out of professional networking in this holiday season.


Happy Hunting!

Views: 1145

Comment by Martin O'Shea on October 31, 2012 at 11:34pm

Don't think this has to apply to the festive season, think you should apply this to every meetup/event etc. With the expetion of not going to party everytime, it will catch up with ya! But nice article, made me a little bit anxious as christmas shopping will soon have to be done.

Comment by Will Thomson on November 2, 2012 at 10:39am

Hi Megan.  Good post.  I think #2 is very important.  People love to talk about themselves.  The most successful networkers are the ones who listen to others first, then they naturally ask questions about you. 

Comment by Megan Doan on November 6, 2012 at 11:02am
Thanks for your feedback! I do agree with Martin that this should apply to every social encounter! Will: In my rookie years of recruiting I have realized how much most people love to talk about themselves, so the ability to listen to others is essential not only in this business but life in general! We were given two ears and one mouth for a reason :)


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