It is an interesting role, being a sourcer and supporting multiple recruiters. These folks are good at what they do, so when you have a recruiter stuck in a race to get that talent to the hiring manager, there may be a good sourcer behind that magic. So, how to become one of the best sourcer(ers), a worker of magic?

1. Learn the job backwards and forwards. I study my JD as best I can. I want to know the role, live it, breathe it. I see the essentialness of this every day.
2. Know your keywords, search industry niche boards, and find the talent hiding on the officer lists. Send these folks your JD, and watch what happens. Yum.
3. Use Linkedin, it is the most powerful recruiting tool for a targeted search and is growing rapidly every day. Search and join a group that fits your target candidates niche. Or do an industry search to drill down to those candidates that have the skills you want.
4. Use your time wisely for those candidates that are on the job boards. Would you rather nurture a relationship in the future? Or be stuck hunting for a candidate on a job board, and having another agency represent that candidate to your client. When you have done the work and another person steals your thunder it is not a good feeling. Passive candidates who you build a relationship now, will pay dividends in the future.
5. Use every resource, networking events, planned surveys of past placements, and create a virtuous cycle where candidates become referrels.

Just a few thoughts, but of sourcing, I must say it is one of the most interesting and funnest of all key skill sets for a recruiter.

Views: 285

Comment by Emily Alden on November 13, 2008 at 8:07am
I like the things you've said here. I've been using LinkedIn now for a few months for sourcing candidates and I have to say that it's an excellent tool.


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