Will clients pay 60% permanent placement fees? Well, yes actually.

Regular readers of my blog will know that I have predicted for some time that clients will expect more from recruiters as the market recovers. I have said that we can expect pressure on our fees, particularly as employers invest in other ways to access talent.

But it’s also true that market forces will prevail. At Firebrand Talent Search we have seen a marked easing in pressure on our fees and in fact in some countries, fee levels are on the rise.

In Singapore for example, where Firebrand has a strong business in the marketing, media, advertising and creative sectors, we are finding that many clients have taken the focus off fee percentages, and are now concerned entirely with accessing the best talent. In 2009 our fees dropped to between 20% and 25% in Singapore, while now 25% and beyond is routine, and in many cases we secure retainers too, which makes for a much better business partnership.

In Australia we have not seen fees rise in our Firebrand offices, but we have seen the downward pressure on fees ease significantly and we now secure all our work at our term sheet rates. Clients are aware the fight for talent is hotting up.

Japan too has seen fees rising back to 30% and beyond. In one particular case, a client of Firebrand is offering “bounty” fee levels to ensure they capture the best talent. This gaming software business routinely offers Firebrand 40% and 45% fees for specific roles, for a defined time period – usually three months.

This month this client offered us a 60% fee (on a USD $60,000 job!) and our Tokyo team promptly filled the order, securing a fee in the vicinity of $40,000.

This trend is fascinating to me. I have never really seen a situation where the client is driving fees upwards. We would NEVER suggest a 60% fee. Yet this clients’ rationale is “Top talent is hard to find. We want the best. We are competing with other employers. We want the recruiter to be motivated to find us the best.”

And it’s working. The candidate we placed into this role had very rare user interface skills and the Firebrand team found him, a Japanese speaker, in Melbourne!

Once again the true value of our business is laid bare.

Access to talent.

That’s where it’s at.


For all my blogs and Vlogs please see The Savage Truth

Views: 808

Comment by Sandra McCartt on December 10, 2010 at 2:35pm

When i read through this i thought, Haven't we all been there when a client offers us something wild in terms of compensation to fill something difficult or in a short time frame.  If we pull it off it's so out of the norm that we almost have to tell somebody, anybody because we can't believe it ourselves.

If it hasn't happened to you yet it probably will and believe me it's not a case of bragging about how wonderful you are .  It's more like , "You will not believe what happened to me today".

Congrats on that one Greg.  They don't happen often but when they do ya gotta tell somebody.  :)

Comment by C. B. Stalling!! on December 13, 2010 at 2:00pm

Not being rude here just wondering what is the big deal in this article. If the company asked 20 company find this person an offer 25 % i think all companies would be takers. The 60% to me is a little crazy for the company to offer. Also do not post something if you to not want people to speak their minds. this is a place to share

Comment by Ross Clennett on December 15, 2010 at 3:41am

Folks - some astounding responses to Greg's post. In general we bemoan the secrey and lack of sharing and networking in the recruitment (agency) industry, especially by CEOs and owners. Then when a CEO, such as Greg, is prepared to share very openly (and very often), they get accused of self-promotion, avoiding mentioning their business 'reality', or worse.


Some people really need to get a reality check themselves.


Fascinating story and great post, Greg. Keep them coming.



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