And Alexa Says - Top 25 Recruiting Blogs

I was talking to Harry Joiner yesterday and he was telling me that I should compile a top 25 list of Recruiting Blogs. I said that is crazy, everyone knows that those Alexa rankings don't mean anything. I told him everytime I speak to John Sumser or Dave Manaster about Alexa rankings, they don't even want to talk to me about it.

Harry told that there is a guy named Mack Collier who has a blog called The Viral Garden who has been doing this and it has been great for a lot of reasons. I said Harry, how am I going to do this, I said there are over a hundred blogs that I track on I'll have to manually do the work. He said yah. So yesterday, I spent a lot of my afternoon getting it done. There were over a hundred blogs I typed into Alexa and I'm sure there is some sort of script I could have used but I didn't.

The other thing is that Mack Collier says that he is probably going to stop using Alexa and move to getting the results from Technorati. Maybe I will too.

I did not include any blogs from ERE, CollegeRecruiter or JobCentral or any other company that was hosting it's blogs. The reason being that the blog stats were what the company stats were. This was a tough one because there are lots of great blogs I read from these networks. I just couldn't include them.

So, please take this for what it is. I will say that the guy who has the top Recruiting Blog according to Alexa and my recruiting blog reading habits is the same guy who won Last Years's Best Blog Award so I feel good about the top spot. I also did not include in the list.

I was talking to Anna Brekka from Kennedy Info this morning and I asked her if she had any great things I could give away to the bloggers who made the Top 25. She said yes and very generously will give a copy of Talent Force to every blogger on the list. Its a book written by Hank Stringer and Rusty Rueff.

Please make sure you email me your full contact info so I can have Kennedy Info send you the book

Here is the list:

cheezhead : never bleu



jobster blog



The Monster Blog


Jim Stroud 2.0


ResumePower Blog


Copywrite, Ink.


Secrets of the Job Hunt


Gautam Ghosh


HRMDirect Blog


Blue Sky Resumes Blog

382,007 Blog




Career Hub


Michael Specht




Six Degrees


The Recruiting Animal


Personal Branding Blog



Recruiting Fly Blog




Ross' Arbitration Blog


director of recruiting


I am open to all complaints, praise, disagreements and everything
else you can think of and of course if you are not on my blog list which is at the bottom of on the left hand side, please let me know. Once you are there, your posts will appear on the right hand side of

I hope no one is offended.

Views: 2325

Comment by Jim Stroud on May 25, 2007 at 2:36pm
Wow! I am honored and flattered beyond belief to be included in this list!!!! Thank you for putting it together
Comment by mattmartone on May 25, 2007 at 2:54pm
Glad I made it.
Comment by Paul DeBettignies on May 25, 2007 at 3:00pm
Did you use the 1 week stats or the 3 month average?
Comment by Slouch on May 25, 2007 at 3:04pm
If there was a one week I used it. if there was no one week but a three month average I used that. You see what I mean?
Comment by Gautam Ghosh on May 25, 2007 at 3:08pm
So I made it to number 10..?

Combining these numbers with Technorati rankings would give a nice perspective
Comment by Slouch on May 25, 2007 at 4:39pm
I should have also included an honorable mention now that I think about it.
Comment by Rich on May 25, 2007 at 6:07pm
Thanks Jason! I am as shocked as I am honored. There are a lot of great blogs here!
Comment by Gautam Ghosh on May 26, 2007 at 2:53am
Too bad there's no way of also combining feed stats (from services like blogger) unless blogs are using feedburner...
Comment by Michael Specht on May 27, 2007 at 3:49am
Jason interesting list of blogs, good to see the Cheez is at the top, and by a respectable margin. You might interested in looking to add the Technorati ranking to provide an index of sorts.
Comment by Marcos on May 28, 2007 at 3:55am
You can also search the best blogs with the this methodology:


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