2012 and beyond, what is coming?


So what is going to be the new in thing in staffing? In my post some time ago titled “Staffing Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow!!” I went over the direction staffing might take in the future and were staffing came from.


Now let see what the coming year has to offer.


Like Social Media was to 2011 , Mobile will be come in 2012. The ability of staffing professionals and candidates to connect on the go will only grow and become a huge part of how we recruit.


With the advent of sites like “glassdoor” and the like companies and staffing professionals are forced to realize candidates talk, and they share information and experiences about talking to and interviewing with companies and staffing professionals. As the market changes, and it has started, where there are more positions then candidates those with questionable practices, and poor treatment of candidates will come back to haunt you.


With the advent of social media all employees have will become an arm of staffing. In fact some companies will have it part of their JDs and reviews to refer candidates and help market the company within their social network.


Talent communities will become even bigger then than they are now and require more of a 2 way communication style.


Video and Visual Stimulated Resumes (VSR) will become bigger as candidates look for ways to stand out.


QR code or Quick response code will become standard practice.  It is basically a bar code that can quickly allow smart phones or any mobile device that has the application to provide quick easy access to anything on the internet.


Well there are some of the things to come.

Views: 166

Comment by Christopher Poreda on February 8, 2012 at 1:57pm

Interesting blog Dean but I don't see any of this happening.

  • Last year, although social media was all the rage, it was only responsible for 1% of all hires.  Mobile is the new hot button but won't come close to traditional means of recruitment for the most qualified candidates,
  • I don't see it making any sense for candidates to give accurate accounts of interviews and company experiences.  Why would you give the competition (if you want the job) a leg up or dig a company you don't want to work for.  It's just bad Karma and offers no benefit. 
  • Video resumes: the best don't have time and there is too much liability exposure,
  • QR codes...I guess for print ads but I don't see the extended value in this medium.

Comment by Dean Da Costa on February 8, 2012 at 2:07pm

Well you might be right, you might be wrong I already know some of this is happening.


QR codes are being used not just print adds, but business cards, hand outs etc.

I my self have hired 20 people last year via scial media, and some of my mobile apps have helped be hire 4 this year already.


Like I said ww will have to see


Comment by Dean Da Costa on February 9, 2012 at 12:04am

So I deleted a post by a certain blogger. She has taken exception, going so far as to say she is going to start a war. I did not delete it because she pointed out a typo. I did not even delete it because she did not like or agree with what I wrote. In fact others have disagreed and I never deleted them. I deleted it because of the very negative and condescending tone of the post and the fact that it really added nothing to the conversation. In fact on our own profile she even misquotes what she and I said. Now I am not looking for a war. I believe we all have a right to our opinions and thoughts, without anyone being condescending.  So now that it is explained, I am done with it. If she wants to keep going she can, I will not.


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