3 Questions for Taking HR Paperless in 2016

Looking to take HR paperless next year? Here are 3 simple questions to get you started. 

If you're wondering how to take HR paperless next year, you're not alone. There is a massive surge of companies moving to electronic personnel files right now. The benefits speak for themselves: Instant file retrieval, streamlined workflows, advanced security, automatic audit protection and many more. Here are 3 simple questions your team should consider when building your paperless HR strategy for 2016. 

It's important to come up with a paperless strategy before you dive right in. When you're planning out how to go paperless in HR, there are a lot of factors to consider. Here are a few key questions to think about: 

Should we convert all of our existing paper files? 
Some factors to consider: Frequency of access, office space, staff availability, budget. 
It’s important to scope your conversion project. Will you complete it in-house with available staff or hire a third-party scanning company? Will you be converting all of your existing paper files? Only active employee files? Or will you simply start with new hires, skipping your existing paper files? 

Who should have access to employee information? 
Some factors to consider: Staff security roles, file folder sections. 
Think about the different staff members that require access to employee information and what kinds of documents they are allowed to see. Does Payroll need access to the Payroll folder? Do Managers need access to specific sections of their own staff’s files? 

Will our paper workflows translate to electronic? 
Some factors to consider: Staff technology level, staff locations, turnover rate, growth rate. 
Ensuring your businesses processes run smoothly in the digital world is crucial. Is electronic onboarding an option for your team or is it easier to have forms filled out on paper and scanned? Does it make sense to utilize online workflows or keep some processes running the old-fashioned way? Is there a compromise between the two? 

Learn more: Complimentary Paperless HR Guide. 
If you would like to learn more about taking your Human Resources department paperless in 2016, help yourself to this free Paperless HR Guide. In this guide we'll look at: 

✅ Companies that will see the highest ROI 
✅ Time and cost benefits to be expected 
✅ Paperless strategy design 
✅ Differences in paperless HR solutions 
✅ How to go paperless fast 



Views: 252

Comment by Katrina Kibben on December 30, 2015 at 9:52am

I appreciate that you're honest -  this isn't an easy process for everyone, it's not for some organizations and there's no 1 size fits all approach. Looking forward to checking out the eBook. 


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