On why some recruiters have a bad reputation...

Quote for the Day: Friday, August 10th, 2007

"Recruiting has a fairly bad reputation. It is often spoken of as a profession where people stretch the truth, promise what they cannot deliver, and act only in self-interest with candidates.

Candidates tell stories about recruiters who were initially friendly and helpful, promising them assistance in negotiating for a position, and who then quickly ignored them when the client did not express interest. Some recruiters tell candidates the offer is "in the mail" or that the hiring manager has decided to make them an offer, only for the candidate to find out later that no offer is coming. Others badger candidates into revealing private information or ask candidates to give them the names and even email addresses of senior-level executives or other key persons in their organization. In most cases the behaviors are not illegal, but they cause candidates to look at an organization as an institution that cannot be trusted."

Kevin Wheeler, The Ethics of Recruiting

File under: Recruiting Ethics, Recruiters' Reputation, Recruiting Profession

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