I’m here at the ERE conference in DC and so far it seems the oil is flowing and everything is running smooth. It seems at least to me that Dave Manaster has a little black book but instead of phone numbers, it is filled with the recipe for a smooth running conference. Everything here is good. I have not seen the book but I am sure it exists.

Over the last many years, I have developed a real close network of people I consider to be real friends who come to these shows. It’s true that blogs and social networks help maintain ongoing communication between people but really, there is no substitute to ordering 7 shots of Jack Daniels in a bar and everyone pouring it down their throats at the same time. LOL. Getting together to network is where it’s at.

This morning, Jason Goldberg gave a talk about Jobster and the online recruiting industry in general. I actually woke up much earlier than planned to hear it. I figured, it may be the last time one can hear him talk about Jobster.

Neal Bruce, the seven foot giant who works for Monster let me know that he has an amazing new role at Monster but I’ll let him tell you all about it. He has always been a big supporter of the recruiting blogosphere so thanks Neal.

Big charity event tonight and I am looking forward to it.

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