Flexing our Recruiting Muscle for Natural Disaster Relief Efforts.

I hope this blog finds all you readers happy, healthy, and prosperous I've recently posted a blog that I wanted to share in this forum, and hope that you'll take a few moments to look at it. I recently read the article in Time Magazine... i think.... that spotlighted Bill Gates and his renewed push for "Creative Capitalism" to help raise up those in need. If you haven't read it, it's a very well written and thoughtful piece that can be viewed online (there's a link to it in this blog post as well).

Please share your thoughts on this content... I'd be interested in your perspectives.

As Americans, we can sometimes be a people that idolize extremes in the world, and I hope that the survivors of Gustav get as much assistance, empathy, and attention as is appropriate to such an event. Consider for a moment, wherever you are sitting right now, what your day would look like if you got the call to evacuate with 2 million of your closest neighbors- imagine what the roads were like, the stores, the sidewalks, the bus stations. And tomorrow, if you decide to come back, you'll find windows missing, or holes in the roof that allowed the downpour to flood your home, or your beautiful landscape you worked all summer on ripped from the earth. Of course, you may not have power either, so cleaning up would be a task straight from history.

There are more storms coming- in the form of hurricanes, or forest fires, or blizzards, or tornadoes, or floods... Despite our best efforts, we can never insulate or isolate ourselves from the enormity of earth's environment. Natural disasters, as these are called, and social disasters, including poverty, homelessness, disease, crime..., affect great swaths of our world, our nations, our communities, and our lives. The effects ripple through our families and values, our economy, and our social ego, and can be lasting for years to come.

OK, so I don't mean to bring everyone down first thing on Friday. So, what exactly can HR professionals, recruiters, and job seekers do to help out when disasters like this arise? How can we help our fellow Americans in a time of need? What special skills can we provide that will make a difference?

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