Jason C. Blais
  • Male
  • Northampton, MA
  • United States
  • ZipRecruiter.com
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  • Gary Marsh
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  • Travis@nexusITgroup.com
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Jason C. Blais's Discussions

Three Years Later
5 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Keith D. Halperin Apr 23, 2014.

Recruiting through online social networks: trending up or down?
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Charles Van Heerden Apr 1, 2011.

Did we hit bottom in June?

Started Sep 16, 2009

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Follow the path of integrity, it leads to the river of good fortune.

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Jason C. Blais's Blog

The basics on managing the flood of resumes

According to the January HWOL report from the Conference Board , just over 2.5 million NEW jobs were advertised online in January, an increase of 16.1% from December, and a jump of 12.1% over the number of new jobs advertised in January of 2010.


If you’re among those who have been posting new job ads, you’ve probably already received more resumes this year than you care to think about…and…


Posted on March 2, 2011 at 8:14am — 10 Comments

HR Tech Overload!

Can someone please tell me why an organization would invest real money in any new, cutting edge, or industry-leading HR technology?  How are value propositions assessed?  Are purchasers identifying problems that need to be solved first, or are they being exposed to technologies and then building an argument for why the technology has value?

I think very few new technologies offer actual, realized value to the early adopters.  One area of recent growth and expansion of technology…


Posted on January 24, 2011 at 12:09pm — 2 Comments

War on Work- which side are you on?

I watched this TED Talk recently, and though it's more than two years old now, the message from Mike Rowe, producer and host of Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs, resonates strongly enough to still be talking about it today. Rowe outlines what he calls America's War on Work, supporting this theory with numerous examples of how we, as a culture, have marginalized manual labor and those who do it, thereby creating a culture that turns down it's nose as those who are out there doing the ugly jobs… Continue

Posted on November 29, 2010 at 8:11am — 8 Comments

Has HR Traded Do'ers for Managers?

What ever happened to core business competencies?! Bret Starr of StarrTincup will be releasing a survey of HR professionals focused on their view of the HR-vendor relationship and value proposition. I was shocked to learn that only 6% of all HR professionals surveyed stated that it was better to develop solutions internally than go to a vendor for help. All I could think to myself was that our businesses have become full of managers at the expense of do’ers.

I worry that entry level… Continue

Posted on November 19, 2010 at 8:51am — 4 Comments

4 thoughts on hiring during the holidays

As we move into November and the holiday season is close at hand, it seemed like a good time to share some First Friday thoughts specific to the realm of talent acquisition. For the decade or so that I've been working with HR and recruiting leaders, it has been my experience that this time of year normally presents a slowdown our stoppage in recruiting activities, as many are holding off on their budgets until 2011 or simply don't want to overburden an already busy holiday schedule with… Continue

Posted on November 9, 2010 at 3:56pm

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 2:40am on September 29, 2009, Charles Van Heerden said…
Thanks for your great feedback Jason. I believe this connection of life cycle will add a richer dimension to defining fit.
At 12:04pm on January 13, 2009, Recruiting Animal said…
"the path of integrity leads to the river of good fortune"

I know it means something.
At 1:53pm on January 8, 2009, Megan Stanish said…
Jason - I love the quote at the top of your page. I absolutely live by it. I've been burned a few times for sticking with my integrity and ethics, but I've never regretted it.
At 10:16am on January 8, 2009, Slouch said…
Hey Jason, I wanted to let you know I put your Recruiting Tip at the the top of the page today. Thanks for sharing it.
At 3:41pm on November 10, 2008, Adam Krueger said…
I think that there are indeed opportunities out there for those with a BS/BA in Biochemistry. 80% of the engineers that our firm places have just the BS/BA degree. In fact, I would probably encourage your wife to try to get a position with the BS/BA degree first before continuing on to grad-school because what is happening with the current market is a) there are more positions available than people to fill them which is competitive for the job-seeker (aka your wife) and b) the salary difference between entering the market with a BS/BA degree and a MS/MA degree may not be that significant.

Long and short, I think that if your wife is open on industry, she can enter the workforce now and be just fine with a BS/BA degree. As an added bonus, I've read more than one article recently that has said that despite the downturn in the economy, the Healthcare industry (including Biotech) continues to be strong.
At 3:53am on September 19, 2008, Paul DeBettignies said…

I am the “Admin” for the Recruiters On LinkedIn group, www.recruitingblogs.com/group/linkedin. You have recently joined and this is a "welcome" to the group and "here is how it works".

Over the past year I have been experimenting how best to facilitate members being able to connect with each other. Some want to connect with everyone and some are looking for a few meaningful connections.

1-2 times per week I send a group introduction message with 10-15 new members and reintroducing others.

What this means for you is simple, do you wish to be introduced to the group?

You have 4 options from which to choose:

(A) “Open Networker” with name, email address, and LinkedIn URL as you want to connect with anyone and everyone.

(B) “General Introduction” with name and LinkedIn URL as you are specific about who you want to connect with.

(C) “Lurker” no announcement will be made as you want to be on the sidelines connecting with people as you wish.

(D) “Super Open Networker” which is (A) plus having your contact information on the group page.

A caution on the “Open Networker”, you may be inundated with invitations to connect. For some this is exactly what they are hoping for and others this could be a pain.

I do ask, if you receive invitations from members you do not want to connect with that you “Archive” the message versus “I don’t know” so the sender is not penalized by LinkedIn although how you handle this is up to you.

Again your options are (A), (B), (C), (D).

Please include your LinkedIn URL and email address you prefer to receive invitations and send to paul@mnheadhunter.com

Thank you for your time.




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