MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat Log Thursday, Sept. 25, 2008

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Best Remark of the Day "The Sourcer assesses whether the Prospect should be INTERVIEWED for the role. The Recruiter and interview team determines whether the Candidate should be HIRED for the role." ~ Paul Davenport
11:56am Recruiting Animal Hi Tami. Maureen just sent me an email to wake up but she's not here

12:00am Maureen Sharib Welcome to MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Class!

12:01am Recruiting Animal This is the link to the article about David Perry
He bribed a janitor to get the phone number to a phone in a private executive washroom

12:02am Maureen Sharib What does everyone think abt that? Animal I know you're appalled...

12:02am Recruiting Animal Well it depends on which part of the washroom the phone was in...

Whole chat log here.

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