Today is the MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat over on the MagicMethod network at noon (EST). This week's topic is a continuation of the last few classes - chasing ideas on how to develop sourcing business in these troubled times.
Developing business really isn't that much different from developing a "names list" - first we have to find who the decision maker is for this activity within organizations and then the more challenging part comes (for us shy sourcers) of contacting that person and selling our services.
Today we'll be looking for ideas on how to do this. Please come
here at noon (EST) and participate!
To bring yourself up-to-snuff on today’s class, you might want to read back through the last few class chats in the Blog Posts section on the site – look for the yellow bubble that says “
Maureen Sharib
Telephone Names Sourcer/MagicMethod Trainer
“Bravery is believing in yourself, and that thing nobody can teach you.” ~ El Cordobes
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