One a day- for Recruiters – Complete multivitamin plus more for Recruiters*?

Just imagine how simple it would be; one pill a day and everything is just great!
This pill would give you all the energy and insights to handle everything about
recruiting during the day. Wouldn’t it be great if we could go shopping for a
bottle of One a day- for Recruiters?

Since there’s no such bottle, what do you do to supplement your recruiting health?
What I mean by this is, how do you maintain the competitive edge during this
uncertain economic time? How do you stay positive? How do you get new ideas?

I think a good start is in this community- the . It’s has great information about recruiting, a place to meet people whom you may have common goals and perhaps you’ll make some lasting friendships.

I also think that you have to do your own research on how to be more effective in recruiting.

Research the new tools or technologies that work or don’t work for you.

Are you associating with people who inspire, motivate and believe in you?

Are you working with other recruiters who are helping you be more successful?

It’s time to evaluate your recruiting health. What use to work, may not be working any more.

What keeps you healthy in this Recruiting World?

Views: 84


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