Welcome back. I got behind the proverbial eight-ball last week and was unable to finish this in a respectable time.Anyways we are back and ready to have a look at 'Aptitude'..The second half of the equation.
Like before, let s begin with a basic definition: According to Wikipedia: Aptitude is a component of a competency to do a certain kind of work at a certain level, which can also be considered "talent". Aptitudes may be physical or mental. Aptitude is not knowledge, understanding, learned or acquired abilities (skills) or attitude. The innate nature of aptitude is in contrast to achievement, which represents knowledge or ability that is gained. Then look at how our friends at 'Urban Dictionary' sees Aptitude: Intuitive aptitude is the ability to understand the structure and operation of complex systems without special education or training. Interesting stuff! in short Aptitude has to do with a level of competency to perform at a certain task well, while having a natural understanding of the task without special education or training. I would almost stretch out and say Aptitude in a certain area could consider you a savant at some level....(any discussion?)
What does this have to do with the workplace or your life in general? To be considered one of the best in your line of work, or to be considered good at your job, and material for further promotions down the road; you have to be both consistent and almost automatic at what you do and how you personally operate. (Second Nature?) As an example anyone can do piece-work or assembly-line tasks- The question which will set them apart from others in their field is how to do the task faster, more industrious and save the company dollars by creating minor modifications to the task which will shorten the time required; allowing more to be done with less; and increasing the company bottom line in a positive fashion.
Not everyone is perfectly matched to just any job. Some of us are good at certain things; while others are simply stellar in different areas; both are needed to form a complete unit, however regardless of status the cream always finds away to reach the top and garner the attention of both power-brokers and management. How many jobs do we apply for because they could be considered 'safe choices'? How many of us apply with hopes a certain lack of skill can be compensated with more education about the field? How many just apply and hope the chips 'fall' in their favour? All good questions, and ones we need to ask ourselves honestly when searching/ transitioning to a new position. Bear in mind that any position in a given company has been done by someone before; and that person has either moved up or moved out, depending on how they chose to complete a given task; and whether or not they could find some way to personalize the experience and shorten completion time to the satisfaction of management.
Here is where things get interesting- you have been brought in to continue making sure the job continues with no delay in production! This entails 'hitting the ground running' , being both trained to a new system (potentially) and expected to 'make your mark' sooner rather than later. WELCOME TO THE BIG TIME!! Being thrust in the spotlight probably isn't going to be new; expectations are not new; adapting and receiving training are not new; The crew you are now with is very new to you, possibly looking at you as a threat to their livelihood; at the very least, someone who needs to prove themselves and that they can function under pressure with little to no real training forthcoming.
How you handle this "pressure" will speak volumes about your tenure. Remember it is your Aptitude towards Success that got you to this point- so don't spoil the moment with a round of bad 'attitude'. Similarities and differences- next time as we mash the two concepts together and create a new creature crucial to how business should be done. With luck, (and a prayer to the gods of computers) it will be this week...... As a take-away; Microsoft is launching both its tablet and a new operating system this week, How many of you plan to be early adapters and how many think they will wait and see how others view the goodies? Leave a note below, I may look at Windows 8 within the next couple of weeks.
Enjoy the day (with alot to 'Carpe Diem')
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