can somebody differentiate the term's 'BIOdata' ....'CV' ....'RESUME' ...their ...interpretations

given that people and entities ...coin or use different ...terms or notations ,

what are the dictionary meaning ...any slang involved should or in what way are the term's used,
are there any comprehension or interpretational ...capabilities or ability to read inbetween the lines to
comprehend a job posting or a requirement posted by a company!!.

given that most recruiter's ...prepare or detail-out or offer the services of doctoring or polishing or
putting up a profile in place for a requirement or role on anvil inthe market!!

do you thing there is or there are ways which a recruiter him/her self associate's with a prospective
candidate ??

would the above terminology or term's used any way describe's the profiling or profile or ettiquette of
a prospective candidate as also the nature of placement or role available.

All views ...opinion's are solicitated, any pointer's viz. url or article's ...detailing the above at length are appreciated.

Views: 67

Comment by Ravi on June 16, 2009 at 7:48am
how long have you been in this industry ?? ...


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