Ravi's Blog (25)

when you take-up an assignment to fill-up a role ...what inputs do you collect from the employer.

Do you simply wall post the requirement  for a employer or how is it that you distinguish yourself,

what value do you offer to the employer, are you simply the shell that offers anonymity to the employer,

what is it so special about the recruiter that employer has to post an AD through…


Added by Ravi on September 19, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

what are the qualities tested ...when one is looking to recruit a candidate. ...candidate's competency?

1) ability to think

2) ability to listen and obey

3)ability to make choice's and live'n  up to the occassion

4)Given an opportunity will you work, how long will your, are you bothered by the nature of work to be done?

5)why are you seeking to work? ...what work business can you generate for us?

6)to what extent can you go…


Added by Ravi on September 11, 2013 at 10:00am — No Comments

Shouldn't Deprived candidates be allowed to legibily allowed to pay heed,attention to needs

given the context how would you treat sexual harassment ?? ... motives ...behind ..motives?

Added by Ravi on September 9, 2013 at 1:30am — No Comments

How is/are employable opportunities generated

There needs to be a healthy balance in satiating the population needs 

Employment generation is a key factor,

would appreciate how do companies generate employment opportunities,

what kind of  employment opportunities are the majority attracted to, rather put this way what do prospective employees

look for when they look out for a job.

How can a recruiter facilitate an appropriate placement that match's the prospective…


Added by Ravi on September 12, 2012 at 4:55pm — No Comments

Pension ...Pension funds ....traditional or histrical evolution ...interpretations ...underlying meaning ...usage...in corporate parlance

Given that individuals part of the company are an investment to the company and mean bigger picture ,
viz. growth of the company as also the individuals.

From the HR point of view what are the objectives ...that frame a policy to reflect the interest of the company and the employee's ??

all views, opinions , suggestions ...are welcome.

Added by Ravi on June 16, 2009 at 10:50am — No Comments

Understanding the role of HR ...interpretations and practice of IPR / COPYRights / Trademarks /Patents ...promoting employee innovation and intimidation

am told corporates ...have policies ...frameWorks ...to address issuee's as envisagable in the above context ??

given the context that man is a social animal ...usually is part of a society and social circle,

given the context ...of how and where do the employee's ....collegue's fall in the above context

...understanding and interpretations of TEAMWORK ... work for the betterment of the team, group, employee's ?? companies ?? society ?? social class or strata ??… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 15, 2009 at 5:55pm — 1 Comment

Art of solicitating a JOB/ROLE ....Art of salary ...compensation negotiation....Social Groups

Given that people survive in groups ...or said theology of society ...

Art of solicitating or Job for one-self ....Art of compensation or salary ....perks(what all can go or be part of

perks) negotiation ??

Given the above context ...how would recruiter's match a role or position and source or place a prospective candidate ??

Also ...would appreciate ..myth's of the commodity market's or opportunity arise out of market ???

given the context… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 14, 2009 at 3:53am — No Comments

economy slump ...group insurance ...musical-chairs ...dJ or jockey ...game's ...floating dummy companies

i have observed that there a lot of companies ...including placement agencies that are thriving by rasing funds from money-markets/potentially-from candidates ....with not much of a clientle or true product portfolio.

given the context ...how to evaluate a potential company ...its scope in a market driven economy!!

given the context of group-insurace is all about ...subscription or more the number of subscriber's

more the funds .... i have seen ...less of sales… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 13, 2009 at 4:19pm — 2 Comments

can somebody differentiate the term's 'BIOdata' ....'CV' ....'RESUME' ...their ...interpretations

given that people and entities ...coin or use different ...terms or notations ,

what are the dictionary meaning ...any slang involved ...how should or in what way are the term's used,

are there any comprehension or interpretational ...capabilities or ability to read inbetween the lines to

comprehend a job posting or a requirement posted by a company!!.

given that most recruiter's ...prepare or detail-out or offer the services of doctoring or polishing… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 13, 2009 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment

Hearing aid's ....learning aids ...reading aid's ?? ...sales ...marketing...franchising ??

would someone enlighten me as to ...how to train or polish ...fresh hire's ....given the context of subcontinent ...i find that most of the grads turning up to fill up a position or role is not adequately or amply

skilled in language skills ??

what are the best ways or means to train new hire's or apprentice's to acquire ...adequate language skills

given that corresponding over email,

responding to a web-query,

or voice over responses ...are the… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 10, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

is recruiting a full time occupation or do people ...take up other business's kind of franchising into other services industry ??

given the above context ....i would like to understand what is a viable business or business model,

am told many or most recruiter's in the guild or forum ...engage in activities other than recruiting or sourcing of candidate's ....

how ethical is or should be a recruiter' ....what drives a business model ??

does or can sourcing of a air-hostess , a recieptionist or a model for a PR activities fall in the same legeau??

scope and potential… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 10, 2009 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

understanding love ...hate ...hate...love ...relationships

given the above context...

envisible between people and genders,





possible , sustainable ...

is it possible to harbour or nurture ...blame ...any one for consequence's

between two mere acquaintance's ... who either never got to know each other or never have been

comfortable at the level of even being a friend ??

have you or has any seen ...squandering ...life… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 9, 2009 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

understanding attrition ...employee satisfaction ...sustainability productivity

for most companies to sustain they need to have a stable , reliable, skilled manpower in addition to having good inventories or order books.

Thus investing in pupil/people ...for future potential, sustainability to have stream of skilled , trained manpower that can be harnessed over time.

Attrition in the above context.

understanding and defining/interpretation attrition...exploring the causes, steps required to stem .

how to promote or rather… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 8, 2009 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Hi ...there ...a great place to test your skills ...cards as effective communication tool .

Using cards for a effective communication strategy

Test your Communication Skills

A greeting is warm message that convey's heart felt feelings .

Given the context that it requires skill, craft and adeptness.

ingredients for writing a greeting card: A good visualizer and a communicator with skills in graphic design , jingle or slogan writing.

solicitate all… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 6, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

social networking ...professional ...networking ...blogging...video...audio..IM ...how close can individual's get!!

with emergence of the online viz. internet or the www medium based social networking fora ....in synchronous with the instant messaging ...video/audio im...blogging ...etc

how close can the individual get!! ,

what is are the objectives of the social networking ??

can individuals ...be blurred by or a lack of understanding of their needs , wants

...trap/lead themselve's into associations, intimacy beyond their objectives ...

How to keep or… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 6, 2009 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Automation ...industrialization ...sixsigma ...cmmi ....various standards...scope ....economy sustainability

given the context of use of Automation ...industrialization

...while the most western or developed nations ...have had a stable , balanced populaton growths ...stable and sustainable economic growths.

is there a population menace or rut or shortsighted ness in india ....why has there been a population explosion ...and indian economy thriving ...with plethora of jobs ...said or purported services sector ...manufacturing sector ??

how is india able to or manage or… Continue

Added by Ravi on June 5, 2009 at 7:16am — No Comments

Reference's ....how do they work ...how relaible are they...would you hire alone on reference11

DO reference's count in hiring ??

dor reference's have the same proposition or proportionate value in business ??

what do you mean by a reference check!! >> how would you go about doing a reference check??

do you believe ...all or most reference's stand for what they vouch!!

how do you evaluate reference's ...while hiring ??

Added by Ravi on May 28, 2009 at 5:31pm — 1 Comment

would a trained expert in behavioural science make a better HR manager ??

should behavioural science be a component taught as part of HR training ??

Added by Ravi on May 27, 2009 at 5:04am — No Comments

are frozen foods good for health ...how long do they retain freshness ??

are frozen foods good for health ...how long do they retain freshness ??

Added by Ravi on May 27, 2009 at 12:53am — No Comments

Protecting the network ...GUILD or Bureau

Given the context ....would the members ...be vigilant and keeping parallel networks or guild or bureau's from sprouting and creating chao's

or would you see them as a healthy competition ...that encourage ,,,market spirit ...that enhances the profession for a cause ??

Added by Ravi on May 27, 2009 at 12:48am — No Comments

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