I have stayed on the sidelines and read a lot of articles, talked with people in my industry and other sales verticals, and just plain have taken stock on how I get new accounts. The death of the “Cold Call” is very pre-mature. I can’t count the articles on line and that come to my desktop stating I’m wasting my time “cold calling” or “cold prospecting” for new business.  Well I’m here to say “I don’t get it?”

YES the market is tougher, yes it’s harder to get through to the decision maker and lastly, yes a great many people will hide behind their voicemail. What’s an up and coming Headhunter to do? What’s a seasoned pro to do when they are looking for their next kill? Send emails? Hit the decision maker up on LinkedIn? What is the “secret sauce?” everyone wants to know how to get to the “C Suite” Well I’m here to tell you it’s not easy but that is where all the money is.

To be blunt most people who say cold calling is dead were never that good at it in the 1st place or those words would have never come out of their mouths. It’s almost like the Crab in a Barrel Syndrome, now you are probably asking yourself, Crab in a Barrel Syndrome.. Never heard of it. Well it is said that if you put a bunch of Crabs in a barrel they will try to escape, when the 1st crab almost makes it out the rest pull him back down, they repeat this to the point of exhaustion and nobody gets out alive. Essentially misery loves company.

There is no money in “easy” or you would have it already, the income you are looking for is beyond your comfort zone, the money is not going to magically appear in your zone, you have to PUSH OUT your comfort zone to where the money is. If you like myself are in inside sales the money comes from cold calling, there is no other way. You can spend countless hours, doing the research, who is the manager? How do I get their email? I’ll send them a great pitch with a value add. Then you press send and you have no idea that you strategically crafted well worded email has gone into their junk folder vortex never to be opened, seen or heard from again.

In the next few weeks I will roll out some tried and true strategies to get to the decision maker

“Happy Hunting”


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