And so it goes that sometimes we're our own biggest critic. I've spent the last four and half years pulling together all of the most robust tools I could find to create "The Avengers" version of a boutique recruiting office.
We have four busy-body recruiters pounding away on the phones, moving and shaking, making money calls, and always marketing. I believe our system is unique and we approach everything we do with as must honestly and perseverance we can muster.
Through a bizarre chain of circumstances, I've begun thinking and wondering about the HOW and IF behind our office system and how it really translates to success.
This weekend I decided to do the radical. I call it radical because I wonder how many out there have the guts to reboot and start from scratch. Obviously, to start over in this way with a core team of successful recruiters, a bombing 100K+ database of candidates, and a score of other tools takes the edge off the "leap of faith". But the leap still has to occur.
Today I wiped the "job order" slate clean and will start with no job orders, no clients, and I will NOT be squeezing my industry contacts. I punching in our office formula and I want to see what chugs out in 30 days.
My crew looked at me like "deer in the headlights" facial emoticons (I just wanted to say that) as my morning pep talk swerved down this strange trail of the unknown. I pointed at each of them, one-by-one, and told them that I was going to do what I've been telling them to do. I'm going to follow my own advice.
So is June 2013 going to be a bummer month on my DESK or will it be a rainbow or butterfly. We'll see I suppose.
Time to start PUTT-ing...
PS: I'm planning on blogging my progress if you want to come back and check it out. :)
- Steve
Looking forward to your next visit to the Recruiting Animal Show.
how often are you going to post updates? I'm looking forward to following this :) thanks Steve!
I'm going to try to blog the daily results without being too boring. I think it could be interesting.
hi, I listened to the radio show, and found it interesting. Four recruiters, each making two to three placements per month is impressive. Very impressive. Starting over is not what I expected at all from you. How could you? If you are all making two to three placements a month, and you are contingent, that kind of machine can't be stopped. Your pipeline should be bursting at the seams. Who would empty that in the middle of everything? Now I'm confused. I can't imagine taking that step unless I had no clients, no business, and was grasping at straws. Am I missing something here?
If I'm reading him correctly Barb he's got a well-oiled machine that will keep on moving while he as an individual recruiter starts his desk over...
it will be interesting to watch the month unfold. Good luck!
Good question Derek
Interesting Idea.. wish you good luck.. will follow your updates.. will love to hear the results/outcome at the end of the month
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