As a recruiter, do you celebrate your successes?

I am completely the wrong person to be writing this blog as I never celebrate any successes and instead think about ‘what’s next’, but I hear celebrating is supposed to be a good thing.  So here goes with my hypocritical blog.

In all seriousness I can see the value in taking stock of one’s achievements. In this day and age where all we hear is negativity it can be difficult to actually get a grasp of your achievements as nothing ever seems to be good enough.  I always feel that it is almost a sign of weakness and that it is important for me to stay focused and drive myself forward.  When does it end? What will ever be good enough? In my case I am afraid nothing will as I will always want more.  However I am starting to realise that I can celebrate in my own way and not limit my hunger.

Each day brings a new challenge and with it that doom and gloom that we are force fed by the media. If we do not take positives no matter how large or small from each day we will eventually succumb and only ever see failure.

If you have read any of my previous blogs or you are anything like me you are probably thinking he’s gone soft? Surely if you are driven to succeed you will never succumb to failure? True, but if we ‘driven’ people can find a way to make ourselves even more formidable then why not give it a go?

After all, we all want success, that’s why we work so hard and push ourselves to the limit.  So at the end of today have a think about what went right and enjoy it, taste the success and make sure it is something you never let go of, let it drive you rather than scare you as a weakness. Don’t just think what went wrong (you can think about this after and make it right tomorrow).

I probably haven’t completely convinced myself, so it is unlikely I have convinced you. Either way let’s both give it a go, let’s live for success rather than die thinking our successes were failures.

Written by,

Sunjay Patel.



Views: 796

Comment by Nick Russo on April 9, 2012 at 9:26am

I am in a unique position, my team is very tight nit and young so our deals are usually met with entusiasit fist bumbs as well as our "deal bell" that we ring when someone puts something on the board.

Comment by Jerry Albright on April 9, 2012 at 11:19am

My sole purpose (in my professional life) is to have a reason to celebrate.  So do I - absolutely! 

A few years ago I found myself overlooking opportunities to savor the moment.  It was quite eye opening actually.  Several times in a row I had made a placement - or two - and just kind of kept on about my business. 

When it dawned on me how far I can "drifted" from that fresh, young recruiter just dying for a placement (and the commission) I was somewhat disgusted with myself.

To not celebrate a $20,000 placement?  Are you kidding me?  I had let myself become immune to the thrill of it all.  How awful is that? 

So I make it an absolute MANDATORY part of my recruiting life:  When it all comes together - take a moment for myself (no one else will) and pat myself on the back. 

It's OK.  Success is GOOD.  Winning is GOOD.  Beating your competition is GOOD! 

Comment by Kayleigh Weller on April 9, 2012 at 11:58am

I have a whoop button ( it plays the whoop there it is song ) I hit that and do a little dance in my chair its only 30 seconds long then I get back on the phone and carry on the day. 

Comment by Lipton Fleming on April 9, 2012 at 1:34pm
Ha ha at the "Whoop" button.....
Comment by Raphael Fang on April 12, 2012 at 2:19pm

I celebrate success because I love what I do.  It is more than a job, but a passion and a career.  If I don't, that;s means I am a doing a job that I don't care much about.  If you care and love what you don, you celebrate!


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