Do You Recruit the Right Individuals the First Time Around?

From a recruiter's perspective, knowing the right way to handle interview individuals after the interview can be tricky.

Some interviewees are needier than others and some can be downright presumptive, assuming they've got the job when in actuality your client may already have chosen someone else. Some of these problems may be avoided by recruiting the right individuals the first time around.

As the following article shows, it also helps by knowing how to follow up after a job interview.

Here's how to handle common job interviewee problems after the recruitment process is underway….

They Keep Calling You

First of all, you should look at any follow up call as a good sign that the interviewee is eager. It means that they liked what they saw and heard at the job interview, and they're very interested.

The problem arises when the employer doesn't reciprocate the feelings. So here's what you do.

You politely take the interviewee's phone call. You say that you got really good feedback (which you probably did, because you are a great recruiter, after all).

Then you say that the employer went with another choice. You say that you are just as confused as they are, but that it turns out, they're better off. You found out just recently that the employer may not be that great to work for, or that the salary was lower than what they deserve, or that you have a better offer waiting in the wings.

Whatever you're comfortable with. The point is you don't want to lose this person.

You spent the time seeking them out. You'll be able to find their perfect fit. It just won't be this time.

They Try to Renegotiate

If your interviewee tries to renegotiate after the recruitment process is underway, you have to control the situation.

Obviously, your client isn't going to take kindly to this kind of tactic, so it's not worth bringing some unrealistic bargaining conversation to their attention, and risking your reputation.

To avoid this potentially awkward situation, outline the rules in the beginning.

Be very explicit in your conversations, and try not to color the truth with rosiness that doesn't exist. Tell your interviewees outright that once they agree to come onboard and play the game, they can't start asking to change the rules. Tough love is the way to go.

There's a Terrible Misunderstanding

This isn't what you want to hear, but terrible misunderstandings are your entire fault. Again, terrible misunderstandings are your fault.

There can be no misunderstandings when expectations and promises are laid out in writing. There can be no misunderstandings when you express yourself in laymen's terms and with no emotion.

You are not your interviewee's babysitter, mother or best friend. You are there to connect two people: The person who wants a job, and the person who needs an employee. That's it. That's your role.

If your interviewee doesn't like your client, then you tell your client, "They're not interested after all." If your client wants to hire their nephew instead of your interviewee, then you tell your interviewee, "They're going with someone else." End of story.

Unless you want to supply endless boxes of Kleenex to your recruits, you'll need to develop a little bit of a pragmatic attitude toward the whole recruitment process.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of xedos4 at

About the Author:Kate Supino writes extensively about marketing and best business practices.

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