Being in the staffing business comes with its perks. For example, there are moments we attain the status of a doctor or plumber and when at a party are asked for advice about a leaky pipe or other orifice. I actually had someone say yesterday “well, I hate to ask advice when I haven’t made an appointment….”

 Of course, that never stops anyone from asking anyway, does it? Truthfully, I don’t mind and even welcome discussing recruiting. It is a relevant topic and we usually all know someone looking for a job, or a company looking for a particular expertise. What I came to realize during our discussion (and others who had joined us) was that many people do not realize how drastically the world of job searching and sourcing has changed in the last few years.

 I asked if they have updated their profile, joined groups and asked for recommendations on LinkedIn.  This is the moment I obviously grew two heads because everyone looked at me like puzzled dogs with their titled heads as if to say do I love you or bite you.  I explained to them that statistics show a vast number of employers source for candidates through LinkedIn as well as view a candidates profile when looking to hire.

 I felt like I was announcing the new Pope. I told them tradition and smoke works best for Pope selection, but if you haven’t been job hunting in a few years, your worst problem won’t be looking for smoldering signals.  

 Best to learn how the search works today or you may not see white smoke any time soon.


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