Don't Waste Time with Silly Interview Questions

An interview is the meat of the job hunt process.

It's the chance to get to know the person, not just read the resume. It's a chance to see if he or she will be a good fit with the company and mix well with coworkers.

An interview can be the catalyst for more interviews and potentially a job offer or it can be the end before it ever began. Sometimes you can prep your interviewee on what to expect, sometimes there is no rhyme or reason.

One of the oddest things at interviews is the off-the-wall questions the interviewer may ask.

Sure, everyone expects things like "Tell me about your last job" or "What do you think is your strongest attribute," but what about the crazy ones, the strange ones, the difficult ones. You want to prep your candidates so these questions don't catch them off guard.

Often employers ask them for a reason; it shows candidates can handle themselves with the unexpected, that they can keep their cool and think outside the box.

Crazy, but Good

As the following article looks at, here are 7 Crazy questions you'd never expect to be asked at interview (some taken from, and you can prep your candidate on how to respond without that deer in the headlights look.

Remember, it's not really the answer itself that matters, but how the candidate comes up with it:

1.         What's your favorite quote?

2.         What superpower would you like to have?

3.         If you were a brick in the wall, which brick would you be?

4.         What would you title your autobiography?

5.         If you woke up and had 1,000 emails but could only answer 200 of them, which ones would you answer and why?

6.         What would you do if you won the lottery?

7.         Describe the color green to someone who can't see.

Crazy, but Time Wasters

Now some questions may be just a waste of time, and you want your candidates to be aware of these ( 

The difference from these and the above ones is that while both may be fun and creative, the above ones may relate to how you react and work in a job situation.

The following ones don't necessarily predict anything and are more of a time waster:

1.         What is the funniest that happened to you recently?

2.         How lucky are you, and why?

3.         Why is a tennis ball fuzzy?

4.         What would you take to a deserted island if you could only have one thing?

Try to help your candidate with the answers to any question thrown his or her way. It's not really up to them to decide if it's a waste of time or not, just give the best answer possible.

For those time wasters, the art of redirection may come in handy, though.

Best of luck and feel free to share any interesting questions you're aware of.

Photo credit: Image courtesy of phasinphoto at

About the Author: Heather Legg is a writer who covers topics related to small business, social media and working from home.

Views: 514

Comment by Bryant Bush on March 19, 2015 at 4:02pm

This is a popular topic right now....

Comment by Dave on March 19, 2015 at 4:38pm


I guess the standard "Where do you see yourself in five years?" question is a thing of the past. I was asked one time what my favorite hobbies were and I mentioned sports at the top of the list. I guess the person interviewing me was not a sports fan, they quickly moved on to the next question before I could list any others, lol. Thanks for reading.


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