Fall Sourcecon 2016 Day 2-Breakout Sessions 2

So day 2 Breakout session 2, included “Apocalypse Now:Linkedin Down” by Chris Horon and Holly Mallowes,  “Fight Spam” by Allison Kruse and Glen Cathey, and “Sourcing Data is Impact Data” by Scott Sherman.


First up “Apocalypse Now:Linkedin Down” by Chris Horon and Holly Mallowes. It starts out going through were you are finding candidates, naming site such as: Linkedin (LI), Indeed, Google, Careerbuilder, and Monster. Then mentions other sources such as; Yandex, Boardreader, MillionShort, Dogpile, WebCrawler, Search!0, Sputtr and Quora. Then they Mention Recruit’em and Social Talent. Basically this was about other places to search besides LI. Video to this session is below.




Next is “Fight Spam” by Allison Kruse And Glen Cathey.  Long story short don’t throw spam. Don’t just email form letters. Individualize your emails for better response rate. Do research and try to connect to the person you are emailing.

Lastly was “Sourcing Data is Impact Data” by Scott Sherman. This was about , how sourcing orientated data can be very impactful and powerful. The thing to remember is this data starts even before the intake meeting, were a recruiter does research. The data they collect can help the Hiring Manager better narrow down what he wants. This in turn will help the sourcing to be quicker and more on target, thus saving time. This will of course help interviewing and ultimately hiring again saving time, Of course we all know time is money and there you have it. Any data that can save or earn a company money is “impact Data”.



Till next week!!

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