Sunday night you gear up for Monday. Packed the computer - check. Car keys are in place - check. Employee Badge in purse - check. We plan and schedule the most important meetings beginning of the week so we can then plan on spending the latter part of the week "catching up".
Mondays are always buzzing around with people chugging down coffee by the gallons asking others what they did over the weekend. Then comes Wednesday, hump day, and things start to settle. Someone scheduled a meeting on Friday at 3:00 p.m. and you gasp wondering who in their right mind would schedule something for
that late in the afternoon on a Friday of all days?! DECLINE - PROPOSE NEW TIME....MONDAY.
Companies near and far cry out how they value and embrace work life balance - four day work weeks, work from home, flexible scheduling! HA, is what I say! How many of you work for an organization that claims "work life balance" and you don't take advantage of it because you feel guilty, like a slacker, or think you won't get that next promotion because you didn't take it for the team and stayed on Friday - even LATE on Friday? How did we get to this? Here I am complaining as I watch our branch director dash out of the office at 3:30 and I think to myself, "must be nice."
Help me understand how you do it. How does someone advance in an organization and maintain a work/life balance? I'm talking a TRUE work/life balance here. Not someone who talks smack about it and then works on the weekend while they complain they haven't seen their family in a month even though the company supposedly supports a flexible schedule?
So, we have those who take advantage of taking a Friday afternoon off and those who stay back complaining about those who took off while secretly wishing they would have went with them. How many of you pretty much wrap up your work week at noon on Friday, but stay back because "you have to"?
We should just make Fridays "voluntary with no regrets" - plain and simple.
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