I’ve been playing Golf for seven years and I am bad. I’ve dropped cash on Ping Irons, Big Bertha Drivers, Dry-fit golf shirts, and even a Mack Daddy golf bag that I take family canoe trips in. No matter how good the equipment, I just suck palsy bad.
Most of the clubhouses around Atlanta have my picture posted on their bulletin boards. They warn their members via loudspeaker whenever I tee it up. My friends even started to wear a cup. “Dude, just throw the golf ball,” a friend once impatiently advised.
If you are a bad Golfer, no club, driver or putter can really make a difference. You’re just bad.
Unlike Golf, you can be a great Recruiter and downright lousy if you don’t have the right tools. Seriously, why would someone try to recruit with just a phone and phonebook these days? The tools matter, Sparky.
And, why should you use what everybody else is using? Sure, plenty of recruiters live for overpriced job boards and applicant tracking systems.
But let’s open the book on a whole new set of candidate sourcing tools. Let’s go mobile. Let’s get nuts! Let’s go crazy and go streaking! (Crickets chirping) Okay, maybe not that crazy.
I admit it. I’m a newbie at this whole thing, and my first foray into social mobile applications (app) was Buddy Mob. It’s GPS enabled too. I went hunting for potential candidates. Walking down streets, through parks, and dark scary alleyways – constantly broadcasting my identity and location to anyone who cared.
I quickly came to the conclusion the only people using Buddy Mob were those in search of booty or nudity shots. No thanks. I uninstalled Buddy Mob. I moved on.

Then I came across Loopt. It’s a GPS enabled social app that allowed me to connect with friends (or potential candidates). You can easily broadcast your location and update everyone with pictures and an instant message.
A cool thing about Loopt: you can also post to your Twitter, Blog, RSS feeds and Facebook accounts.
Getting started is easy. Download the application on your cell phone. Loopt works on most phones.
Next import your contacts from your phone or from Outlook, Google and MSN accounts. Then send them an invite. Once they’ve accepted your invitation to connect, you can give them real time updates and they can see your exact location. Tada!
Pay attention when importing contacts. You don’t want your crazy ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend accidentally in your Loopt network. They will know your every move. Not good.
I’m daily bombarded with staffing agency calls. Loopt is a great for those professional stalkers I call Account Managers. With this mobile app, all those unreturned phone calls from pesky salesmen– they are waiting for me in the parking lot.
Here is how you should use Loopt:
Pick a conference where you could source potential candidates or clients. Set up a booth and give away an iPod or Wii. At this point you can ask them if they have a Loopt, Twitter, Facebook, or MySpace account. Let them know you will send them a text message or an email announcing an opportunity to connect via Loopt.
After they accept your Loopt invite, you can update them via Twitter, Facebook or RSS feeds.
The next wave in all this Social Media frenzy is portability but, patience young Jedi. Much is still to be learned and people need to catch on.
As it stands, a lot of Loopt users are hesitant to add you to their network. But with privacy controls being added with every update, you can be certain more and more people will eventually connect with you.
Now is the time to build the social web 2.0 empire. As your following grows on Twitter and Facebook sites, the social mobile apps will follow too. The time is coming when you can source candidates using mobiles apps or expand your client base with your mobile communities.
But for now, Loopt is a great stand alone sourcing tool and a new way to connect with potential clients. Have fun and keep me in the Loopt!
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