Guess What? It’s not about technology at all. It’s about connectivity!

Recruitment and staffing has been around a long time. And I have had the fortune to witness its evolution for almost 30 years. I have worked in many countries and recruited across many sectors.

And guess what I have learned.

The more things change… the more they stay the same!

It was not that long ago that if you walked into a successful recruitment office, every person you saw was on the phone. And why not? There was no computer to tap away on. There was no e-mail to compile. There was no resume to adjust. If you were not on the phone, you stuck out like a sore thumb, because there was nothing else to do.

Walk into some consulting offices now, and it’s like walking into an old-fashioned typing pool! Everybody on the keyboard. The phones silent and unused.

Technology has transformed our lives of course, and we need to embrace it, use it and profit from it. But there is a danger we are seduced by technology, such as email, PM, and texting, to the point where we give away the biggest advantage we have - that being the power to control the outcomes of our interaction with clients and talent.

And in fact its controlling outcomes, though connectivity, that will determine the successful recruiters in today’s market.

Now here is the real point. In my opinion, sending an email is a missed opportunity 5 times out of 10. It’s also supremely unproductive.

Recruiting is about relationships. Selling is about hunting, listening, empathising, influencing, persuading and consummating. Email is bland, annoying and often not read by our clients who are all suffering from IBFS (In-Box Fatigue Syndrome).

Don’t misunderstand me on this please. Technology has incredible application and I obviously use it all the time. You are reading my blog after all. BUT I keep asking myself “what outcome am I trying to achieve, and am I more likely to achieve it by phone or face to face?”

Our job is about compelling people to action. A great recruiter is focused on creating outcomes and facilitating decisions. Email does not do that. Your job is about selling, understanding and building trust. Email does not do that.

OK lets get real on this. How often does it happen that you call a client to check on a temp you placed? Almost as an afterthought you ask, “ Are you busy at the moment Mr Client”? . And so a conversation develops, and by the time you put down the phone you have picked up a perm order, extended the temp assignment, or learned that a big acquisition is about to happen which will lead to new opportunities for you. An email asking how your temp is performing will at best get an e-mail reply saying, “fine”. Where is the value there?

Success in recruitment is about connecting - technology is an enabler. If you want to compete effectively as a recruiter today, make sure you talk to clients and candidates on every possible occasion. Ask questions, listen actively, provide insights, and solve problems.

Challenge people in your office. Challenge yourself. Why send email? Give your talent a call. Go and see your client now. Get out of your seat and go and talk to your colleague in the team across the room about a shared client. Don’t send an email!

Use your intellect and your personality to interact with clients, not your mouse.

People sometimes tell me “But my clients like to interact via email”. That is a cop out. Yes of course sometimes a quick email is appropriate. But pick what to communicate in what way. If we have built a relationship with our client or talent as a trusted advisor, they will want to talk to us!

Instead of sending 30 emails a day – have 10 meaningful conversations and three targeted meetings with potential customers. See your billings rise, along with the fun you get from your role.

Views: 108

Comment by Dr Simon Harding on July 25, 2009 at 1:07pm
I completely agree !
Comment by Dr Simon Harding on July 25, 2009 at 1:09pm
Greg - you make some great ponts here - everyone needs these reminders
Comment by Iain MacGibbon on July 28, 2009 at 4:22pm
Correct, communicating by email is not a relationship its a conversation. To get to "the next level" you need a voice! Well done Greg, sage advice always.
Comment by Ross Clennett on August 5, 2009 at 7:58pm
Spot on, as always, Greg. Also, given my typing speeed, it takes longer to type out en email than to have a genuine and engaging phone call. Probing questions on an email can come across as nosey and 'sales-like' whereas over the phone probing questions are most likely to come across as intended - ie natural questions from a professional who is curious, interested and solutions-focused.
Comment by Jerry Albright on August 5, 2009 at 9:42pm
I hope plenty of people read this. It is quite possibly one of the most worthwhile blogs I've read in quite a while.

Thank you.


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