How I made Top Recruitment Agency Web Site in Ireland

Well actually ‘How’ I made CPL being the most visited recruitment agency web site in the country is not that exciting. The site has a really good SEO since my second job is SEO Consultant: and I managed to get a really good inbound links to it. So no wonder other agencies are using as a sample site when defining what do they need on their next web site. Recruitment trainers are showcasing the features of the site to their students.

Here is a link to and a recent photo of Jonathan Campbell showing the to the students of his great Black Belt in Recruitment training course (that I can really recommend BTW!) is the one to catch now in Ireland! It was fun building it, tweaking it and growing it.

Unfortunately the way we SEO people live, the moment we make our ‘miracles’ and bring our clients web sites to the top, the clients cannot justify keeping us. Hence every time we achieve our goals, we don’t get a bonus – WE ARE FIRED!

So to go to the beginning of the post ‘How’ I made it,… is a bit boring – you can read all about it on my SEO Blog. What is more important is that I am available – so if you feel like ‘WORLD DOMINATION’ with your web site – here I am to do that for you!



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