How to Make Your Cubicle Space less Boring

If you work in a cubicle, chances are, you sometimes feel like a worker bee in a busy hive. Indeed, spending your Mondays through Fridays in a drab, fabric-lined alcove can, across time, be awfully uninspiring. This can be even more evident if your job happens to involve using your creativity. Thankfully, relief is at hand. There are more than a few creative cubicle upgrades you can employ to liven up your workspace. So, when workplace doldrums finally become insufferable, try the following tips and tricks to stave off the ennui that forever stalks you at the office.

Use Privacy-Boosting Accessories
Sometimes well-meaning coworkers will drop by and invade your space when you're otherwise engaged in an earnest work-related thought. You can circumvent these intrusions by setting up a small screen, curtain, or even simple sign, alerting others when you might be deep in thought, or don’t want to be disturbed.

Deploy Cubicle-Friendly Plant Life
A few well-placed plants or flowers will create a homey touch, while purifying the air around you. A modest bouquet of budget-friendly flowers that hold up well in a slender vase may be all you need to break up that office monotony. You could also care for a hardy plant like a peace lily or pothos which adds a lot of green, and won’t cost you a lot of time or care.

Toys and Collectibles
Fun items from popular culture or your favorite childhood curiosities can help lighten your mood, inspire, and create a talking point for others. Many people favor posters or action figures. Choose a few of these fun items for your cubicle and do your best to develop a recognizable theme. The effort will do wonders for your spirit.

Replace Your Desk Lamp with a Table Lamp
Harsh lighting will make the work you perform more draining. You can your cubicle more welcoming and comfortable by swapping out that desk lamp with an interesting table lamp and shade. Completely transform your workspace by giving it that home-away-from-home feeling. You might also help more than just yourself by requesting a service like Sullivan Engineering LLC to come change out old and dated ceilings with a greener design and better lights.

Many cubicle workers share a common culture and are among the working-class throng who lack an office door they can close behind them. What these armies of cubicle inhabitants lack in privacy, they more than make up for in creative gumption. With the benefit of a few of these cubicle upgrades, anyone can now make their workspace feel a bit more like home, and lot less like the grim cubbyhole it was originally designed to be.

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