How to source info on the lesser known sites..TikTok!!

TikTok is a video-sharing social networking service owned by ByteDance, a Beijing-based company founded in 2012 by Zhang Yiming. This can be a great place to find candidates however a lot of recruiter do not search here. The reason is simple they do not know how. Well to do this without worry you need go no further than into your bag of tricks and pull out an old tried and true Method called Xraying.


So to source within TikTok you simply need to use a skill known as xraying, like the one below. #javadeveloper or ("java developer" OR Developer)


If you run the strings above you will notice a searching area, were you can designate what you want to search see below

Now once you have your list simply click on one of the links. Open to their profile, and you will see some great information about the person. IT can include full name, title, company, contact info, user name etc. Any of this is enough to follow the bread crumbs to get more.



If you need more info on X-raying see my blog post


See my YouTube video on x-raying


Until next week, may the source be with you!

Views: 618

Comment by Jeff Weidner on January 23, 2020 at 11:39am

Tik Tok is already huge but recruiters don't know how to tap into this resource of talent yet. Thanks Dean for laying out a few viable options.

I highly recommend you follow Madeline Mann a recruiter with 133K followers

and of course me with 29 followers


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