How to source on the lesser known sites!! ResumeUp

This is the 5th in the series on lesser known sites to source from.  As you saw in the first one we used x-raying to source, well guess what we are again and guess what it still works and it works for free. 

The 4th site we will discuss ResumeUp.  ResumeUp is a way to create a Visual Profile and resume . However for us sourcers the real key is the fact you can source out of it. Of course using monster link you can source form it and like the previous 3 using an old school technique called x-raying.

 So to source within ResumeUp you simply need to create an x-ray string, like the one below. developer 

If you run the above in google you will get the results below

Of course you can be more specific and add in a programming language and more, but you get the idea. If you need more info on X-raying see my blog post titled ”


Next week we will talk about Ryze

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