There has been a great deal of criticism of Agency recruiters lately, quite a bit of it from me.
But a recent theme is emerging where Corporate HR managers and internal recruiters have launched some scathing attacks on the process followed by recruiters. A recent blog, Dear John, from Katie McNab being a case in point – albeit a very constructive and fair one.
Truthfully, many of these criticisms are valid. As an industry we are guilty of shortcuts, shoddy service and overselling. It’s not true of all recruiters, but it does happen… a lot.
But, as with most contentious issues in life, there are two sides to this debate. And in the case of the relationship between third-party recruiters and internal HR, it is time for a little clarity on how the HR side of this uneasy relationship can improve, for the greater good.
These observations are my own, based on decades of dealing with HR through countless economic cycles. But to make sure I was taking the pulse of the current Zeitgeist on this, I asked for input from 40 recruiters I know across the globe. And they were very keen to have their say, and much of what they said cannot be reproduced here! But I have summarised their perspective in the 8 points below.
HR and internal recruiters, bring it in tight, I have a secret to share. Recruiters want to make you happy. We really do. We know that some of our number are a pain in the butt for you. But please don’t tar us all with the same brush. In fact some of your number are as bad as the worst of ours. Seriously.
So we promise to lift our game. But we need you to make some changes too.
The truth is that many of the very best business relationships I have had in my recruiting career have been with smart, demanding, Corporate HR professionals. I love dealing with those people. But they are rare, like good recruiters, I suppose.
It works best when the communications is open and the expectations are clear. But always built on a platform of mutual respect and understanding.
So, recruiters reading this, lets go and fix our processes. Listen to the voice of HR clients, unhappy with what we do. Let’s get our house in order.
But please HR and internal recruiters heed my call. Invest in your relationship with a great recruiter, or a small set of quality, specialised recruiters.
The rewards will astound you.
For fresh, regular recruiting brain-food, subscribe to The Savage Truth
The futility of this post is almost painful to me. Reading it makes me wince and makes me more depressed about being an agency recruiter than ever before.
If the role of Corporate HR Recruiters was to make rational decisions and pursue the best solution for their employer most of this would be a no-brainer. Unfortunately the role of Corporate HR Recruiters, especially the junior ones, is to follow procedure. Procedure is not written proactively to improve processes so much as it is written reactively to avoid/deflect liability. It also obscures a giant (and arguably overly complex) mechanism of interrelationships into which that procedure must integrate.
The changes/revelations you propose can only be wrought from within but to join the ranks of corporate HR Recruiters you must first forswear any inclination to deviate from established process.
Every one of your very sensible points cements your position as an outsider so you may as well be shouting at the sky for rain.
Boris.... Really?
Yes Greg has very sensible points, but bashing Corporate Recruiters ain't the response here.
Corporate HR does a heroic job sourcing on their own, but at the end of the day they need to send SOME jobs to headhunters. Pick your reason: niche, bandwidth, urgency, whatever. They send as few they can because working with headhunters can be a huge hassle, but they send them anyways because - guess what? headhunters work!
Still, keep in mind the pressures HR are under. They're sending 2 jobs to search, and sourcing 20 others at the same time. Scheduling interviews, fielding cold calls, communicating with hiring managers, haggling, updating. They ask for a little process? Damn right they do!
Greg isn't arguing against HR, he's telling HR not to lose sight of the fact that despite all the pressure and need for speed, treat your agencies as your partners. Get back to them. If it's a NO, tell them (it lets them move on). Communicate with them. Move briskly, but move smart
I certainly wasn't intending to bash Corporate HR, so yes...REALLY.
As I hoped to communicate in my post (and I apologize if I was unclear), Corporate Recruiters are not in control of their decision-making and if they were I have no doubt that many of them would already be working more closely with us, communicating with us, recognizing the benefit we strive to bring them. I see them as the loyal footsoldiers who must either unquestioningly carry out their orders or face discipline for breaking ranks. The process they uphold is a small part of a much larger whole.
That Greg's post exists and rings true to us as a group, however, is evidence of a certain futility. I don't know what Greg's market/client base/geographic catchbasin is but every one of his points is echoed by every agency recruiter I've worked with (myself included) over the last 16 years and the eternal meta-message is "We don't get no respect".
There is nothing in Greg's post that is new or revelatory, it's all eloquently laid-out common sense that appears to be "plain as day" to us and to suggest that Corporate HR recruiters, many of whom have made the transition from our side of the phone, don't know this is to paint them as hapless dolts.
To believe in a Utopian outcome in which we may one day become the glove into which slips the hand of Corporate HR Recruiting is to labor under the delusion that we have a common goal.
Additionally, Mike, it should be noted in the interest of disclosure that the organization you represent is actively engaged in undermining the likelihood of Greg's suggestions being adopted. The very name "Bounty Jobs" reduces us to a class of mercenaries (or Bounty Hunters) who are by definition loyal only to money and self-interest. Furthermore, the engagement structure of BountyJobs exists to allow HR to keep us at arms length and swap us out with every search.
Your participation in this forum, therefore, is as a salesman profiting specifically by undermining long-term relationships between HR and Agency recruiters as you are not, nor have you ever been, either.
Sorry Greg...Boris 2 you 0.
@Jason...Are you saying as outside recruiters that we don't also focus on "Fit, career planning and retention.."
And sounds like you were working with one too many Agencies if it took too much of your time. As well when you say things like "we actually know what roles are open and that the Agency Recruiter was working with the wrong HM"...You echo exactly what Greg was stating about the perception of internal HR and Recruiting...Sounds like you did a poor job of communicating to the multiple agencies you were working with when you should only have had two active agencies AT MOST. ...And thank you for showing us its actual reality then just perception.
And yes Hiring Managers DO want to talk to us because typically internal HR/recruiting has no clue about their needs and it takes a specialist to listen and understand what it is they truly seek...Once again beyond skill set...Chemistry has to fit too. How do we know what a Hiring Manager is like or a particular team if we don't get the chance to engage with them...Your perception may not be my perception to how someone/department acts or "is" hence why we want direct contact. Furthermore If you were all about being a "strategic partner" to fill the role with the best talent possible then you would continue to use an Agency you can trust and one that can deliver...
Greg doesn't come across insulting or insincere at all...You come across very insecure and I'm not sure why you would take offense to his post especially if you've been on the outside before even if its been 11 years...ya trader!
Get back to being a Recruiting Manager delegating to your team of "recruiters" and we'll stick to doing what it is we do best...Filling the roles you cant. Anybody can grab the low hanging fruit so hit those job boards Jason, you got some work to do! ha
My, my, my Jason,
Perhaps the problem is that like many internal recruiters you see any attempt by an outside recruiter to reach out and ask for cooperation, mutual respect, and communication as "patronizing, insulting and insincere."
By all means if you can fill all the jobs needed at your company there is no reason for you to use an agency so my question is why are you taking such great umbrage and throwing a foot stomping, insulting little fit in response to a what appears to me to be a sincere, open and honest request for both internal and external recruiters to work together, up their game and help each other.
My impression of your comments is that your immaturity is sticking out all over the place. You certainly may know what you are doing but as Greg stated many of your counterparts do not. Just as many of our counterparts give us a bad name so do many of yours. Throwing insults around then trying to justify that type of behavior by insinuating that you and your coffee group are chuckling is a junior high response. Don't do that it ruins your personal image and makes you look childish.
I’m blown away by your comment and lack of professionalism. I’m also surprised that you would post something as unprofessional as this – knowing that your audience both internal and external recruiters are pretty connected (some of us more than others). Being the expert agency recruiter that you are, you must know how valuable a recruiter’s company and reputation is and how fast word travels. So it is unfortunate a good chunk of recruiters in the US have a pretty good idea of the type of service and respect (or lack of) that you could potentially give them as client.
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