Why is it that when you go against the grain you experience a greater level of scrutiny? I’m a true believer in the theory that if you’re unhappy you should definitely shake things up a bit which is why, in late March, I decided to fire my job. It’s funny, when I first contemplated leaving my job I asked some of my closest friends for their advice. Sure enough 4 out of 5 of them said, “Don’t quit unless you have a new job coming your way.” The one friend, who I truly admire, said “do it, make the move.” And I’m so glad I did.
When I posted my last article “Why I fired my job at Zappos.com?” I knew I was going to get a ton of feedback because it’s a bit of a contentious topic; however, what I didn’t predict was how much positive feedback I would receive. People from all around the world left comments and sent me private messages. I couldn’t believe how many people could relate to my current situation. What really touched me was when I received a message from a gentleman who lives in India. He mentioned how he just recently left his job and how we live in different societies. In India there is a high pressure on males to earn a lot of money so it is considered extremely foolish to leave your high paying job just because you don’t like it. His attitude was, “Life’s too short to stick to something you don’t like anymore.” I couldn’t agree with him more!
I think a lot of us are driven by our fears. The fear of what others will think of us or what if we fail? I know for myself I still struggle with this on a daily basis. I seriously have to remind myself to enjoy this moment and trust that it will all work out. Whether you’re currently unhappy at your job or you just got laid off, look at it as an opportunity to change, to grow, to become who you never thought you could be. Don’t be scared just because you’re afraid of the outcome or because you don’t have it all planned out. I didn’t have a plan, I didn’t have another job lined up, and I didn’t even know what I was going to do the next day. It was a bizarre feeling… liberating, but kind of scary. The first few weeks felt like I was on vacation, I spent some time traveling to visit friends and family. Then, when I returned back home, the uneasiness of #FUNemployment started to set in. I felt lost and had no idea where to begin. So I decided to work on myself. I began a daily routine of working out, eating healthier and dabbling into new and old hobbies. I joined a gym, returned to bikram yoga, googled new recipes, cooked the new recipes, read several different books and blogs, launched my own blog, volunteered at some wine events, met some new friends and challenged myself every day to try something new.
The journey hasn’t been easy but, trust me when I say, it’s been well worth it. I’ve had my fair share of good days and rough days. Some days I feel like I can do anything I put my mind to, other days I just want to lay in bed all day and watch Netflix. But what helps me get through it all is day by day I’m seeing myself change for the better. Small improvements here and there motivate me to keep moving forward, keep my head up, and trust in the journey. I think everyone needs a fight song. Until you find yours, you can borrow mine. When I’m feeling any doubt or anxiety I just turn up this jam. Soon I realize that small voice in your head that tells you you’re not good enough, it’s not true, all you have to do is make a decision to believe in yourself and change your mindset.
Fast forward to today, I can honestly say that I’ve seen a drastic change in myself. Not only am I a happier person to be around, I’ve lost a total of 7 lbs. and have been able to maintain it. In addition, I’m pleased to report I’m migraine-free. You might be wondering, how can I remain unemployed? I understand this isn’t a possibility for some folks but while I was working at Zappos I was also saving some money on the side as an emergency fund. Don’t worry, I’m being very diligent with my spending as I don’t want to deplete all of my savings. Also, I have an amazing support system of friends and family who are always there to listen and lend a shoulder to lean on.
So where do I go from here? Well, I’ve started this blog to hold me accountable on my next actions and to help guide me to my next adventure. I’ll be starting my “Spark Series” soon, which is an idea I got from this awesome website that I stumbled upon by a girl named Lindsay Ratowsky. She's kind of in the same situation I'm in and she's using her network of friends and mentors to gather advice and share perspectives to help define the next chapter of her life. She got the idea from a blogger named Megan Gebhart who wrote a book about it. I love this concept and I definitely think I have some inspiring people around me. In doing so, I’m hoping they will spark something in me or maybe I can inspire someone else. Thanks for following me along this journey of self-discovery and stay tuned for more updates!
Onward and Upward,
PS: I just came across this article “Why I’m Setting Myself Back In My Career In Favor Of A Happier Life”. I definitely feel like I can relate to it and I would encourage you to check it out.
Thanks for reading! View the original post here: http://bit.ly/firedmyjobnowwhat
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