I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream

Ok, I will behave myself this month and try not to cause a ruckus. I did learn a new word last blog thanks to Gerry Crispin..putanesca. I think it is some kind of sauce, but also has something to do with women of ill repute. Hmmmm?

So here I go with this month’s blog. Not only am I a recruiter but I am a mom, and I was remembering long ago, when my daughter was little. She had the ears of a well trained hunting dog when it came to the sounds of the neighborhood ice cream truck. She could hear the repetitious “turkey-in-the-straw” music blocks away, and would run in the house pleading for quarters (hey I said it was long ago). One day after buying her favorite ice cream she said to me, “Mom, I want to be an ice cream truck driver when I grow up. Could you get me that job?”

I watched while she ate the ice cream, as half of it ran down her arm. I thought, how do I tell her she does not want to be an ice cream truck driver? (not that there is anything wrong with being an ice cream truck driver) Of course, when she was five yrs old I didn’t bother trying to convince her, but I do have similar conversations with adults all the time now.

How do you politely tell a determined adult that the time to go after their dream job is not during this economy or worse yet when they are unemployed? “Yes, Mr. Sanders I know you are a born leader, but how do I convince the employer to let you manage their software group when you don’t have that experience.” Similar conversations all boil down to good communication, negotiations, and bargaining. Something all good recruiters know about.

Now, I wonder if there are any ice cream companies out there looking for a driver. I might have candidate for them, if the recruiting business does not pick up soon. :-)

Views: 139

Comment by Sherry Junker on June 5, 2009 at 8:15pm
Cute story about you not telling your kids. That works until they start seeing the neighbor kids with their ice creams.
Comment by Dan Nuroo on June 7, 2009 at 9:56am
Sherry, you had me at ice cream :)

I had a similar candidate just the other day. i told him, in the bluntest terms that, there wasn't a snowballs chance in hell i'd hire him in my company. (I had tried to be nicer for a few minutes, he didn't get it). Unfortunately for me (or my peers on the Management team), he didn't believe me and found a way to speak to every person on our Management team, including CEO, CFO and COO. I think in the end my CEO ha to threaten with calling the police on stalking charges if he called anyone again.


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