I was talking with a recruiter friend of mine that I often do splits with. We were of course talking about the tough times we are going through right now. We then got into "It is so bad, I have resorted to...." and we were on the phone laughing until tears were rolling down my face. Misery does love company.

I was telling the story of how I had taken this very poor paying recruiting job in a foreign country, just to keep busy, and to see if I could recruit in a foreign country from here in the US. Guess what, the job was easier than I thought. I should've known with the internet. I am enjoying learning the culture, and the company has an office here in the states. You never know, I might get one of their reqs here in the US and get the standard fee recruiters charge here in the US.

Just so you don't feel sorry for me, I do have some regular clients here in US that I am working with that are actually hiring. Like the rest of us, I am finding that I have to work much harder for my fee. I am just one of those people that likes a busy desk and will do whatever to keep busy. In order to keep busy these days though, I have to take what I can get...I am a recruiting whore. Will work for $$$. :-)

Views: 416

Comment by Sherry Junker on April 30, 2009 at 7:19pm
Hmmmm, could I handle the title of Ms. Certified Talent Acquistion Whore? Not sure.

You have a very lovely picture, btw!
Comment by Slouch on April 30, 2009 at 7:23pm
we need a badge for that. too funny.
Comment by Sherry Junker on April 30, 2009 at 11:40pm
Thanks Rayanne and Slouch. Make me a badge, and I will wear it with pride. :-)
Comment by Gerry Crispin on May 1, 2009 at 1:47pm
If I just make a good putan-esca sauce for the rest of you, can I get a badge?


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