I Want Sharks with Frickin Laser Beams Attached to their Heads.

IBM owns everything except your soul, and that will change once we are replaced by Replicants (see BladeRunner). But in the meantime, you want a job there. Bro, you don’t care if it entails wiping down urinals; you want a job recruiting for IBM.

Big Blue earned 4,185 patents in 2008. That’s more than Google, Apple, Microsoft, HP and Oracle combined. That like 80 patents a week. That like 2 patents every hour without taking any PTO.

Can you imagine being the Recruiter for their legal department? Just the paperwork for one Non-disclosure agreement is equal to an acre from the Amazon rain forest.

Yeah, who cares. IBM can fix global climate change too.

This isn’t your Father’s IBM either. You need to watch them. When they hire, they hire big time. They have 175,000 employees and five employees won Nobel Prize for physics.

And, you know they have some freaky geeky patents that involve Sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads.

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