In Talent Acquisition - the Phone is not dead. It is as powerful a tool as anything. For years we have been hearing about expert tools, the latest fads, the shiny objects that come and go. With time, there is still one thing that happens to differentiate, that happens to close the candidate, which allows recruiters to smile and woo, and build relationships, and a network that lasts. We've been hearing the diatribes about how Artificial Intelligence will revamp the Recruiting world and GASP make us recruiters obsolete. Please - give me a broom to sweep up such nonsense.
As time goes on, we see many different tools, we see a lot of amazing technical options to help enhance the Recruiting function, but yet, the one thing that will close that offer, and bring to pass an acceptance is, drum roll please, the phone. I remember when my career started, LinkedIn was just getting off the ground, and Job Boards dominated the landscape. As time has gone on and the more things change inevitably the more they stay the same. The phone is a Recruiter's best friend. If we were to thank the Staffing Gods for just one tool, the phone should be it. Through the phone we can create creative Voicemails, we can text, we can ask for referrals, we can close candidates and push forward with outcomes that bring to pass satisfied hiring managers and build trust with candidates. We can reassure and persuade, and use creativity to help candidates want to join the employers we represent.
Every day it seems the lost art of the Telephone close is waning. Have we gotten so lazy as staffing professionals that we forget the power of just picking up and dialing? Closing candidates and building rapport, closing deals, and making clients happy, and finding common ground can all be accomplished via the phone. Imagine being remote and not having the power for face to face communications. What can help you differentiate? Enthusiasm, and wow factor while smiling through the phone.
In this article: - it is quoted that 77% of Job Candidates surveyed by LinkedIn want good news to come over - drum roll please: the phone.
The Recruiter/Sourcer and Talent Acquisition Professional who can master the power of the phone will certainly realize the benefits of differentiation. Imagine closing more candidates and building a trust factor that comes from being helpful and friendly. Duh. Who doesn't want a helpful and friendly human voice on the other end of the "Say it with me" - Phone.
Let's get back to being human again shall we? Let's still embrace technology. That's good and all, but maybe the rule "Old School is Still Cool" applies here. Yes that trusty gadget - the phone. Remember to get creative with your voicemails, and add some pep and happiness about the Jobs you are peddling, whether inside a company or agency side, do you want to work with someone who claims to be invested in your career but doesn't have a shred of humanity over the "Phone"?
If 77% of candidates want phone updates, why don't we give it to them? In a labor market at 4.1% Unemployment with Baby Boomers retiring daily, and the need for skilled workers on the rise, a labor shortage is pending, and don't you want to be the one that differentiates with a personal relationship over "The Phone?" Yes keep driving for that outcome of closing and perfecting your phone skills. You'll be glad you did in a tight labor market where "The Phone" actually is making more of a difference than ever before, and that is only likely to increase. Dial for Dollars, Dial for Success, Dial for Talent Acquisition Differentiation. The best tool outside your brain for sourcing and network building? Why "The Phone" of course. Learn to use it, personalize your conversations, and "Smile into the phone" and your Recruiting Success will sky-rocket. Take it from one who has hired over 1500 superstars over my years in staffing. Yes, the phone is still one of the most powerful tools we have. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
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