Is Franchising the Right Career Move?

So you've had it with your career.

It's mundane, no longer fulfilling and maybe it's time to break up with it. But what can you do instead?

For many people, the idea of a franchise is appealing in many ways, and owning a franchise can be the perfect balance you are looking for and make for a fairly easy, solid career change.

Recruiters are often on the lookout for good franchise starters. If you have the skillset, you may be a great candidate.

Usually they are looking for take charge go-getters with great social skills and strong organization, along with a high work ethic and the ability to pick new things up easily.

What Does it Take to Run a Franchise?

A franchise can be the best of all worlds if you've got what it takes.

Remember, a franchise comes with support, but also guidelines to follow, so you don't get to run exactly as you want, but you have great support and an established name to begin with.

Here are some attributes that would be good to have if you're thinking of a franchise...

• Be able to lead and follow - You will be the boss in your franchise. You'll do the hiring and the firing. When someone is sick or late, they'll call you and you'll have to deal with it. When there is a problem in the store or restaurant, you are the one to fix it. However, you'll have parameters with what products are sold, what food is sold, how the building /store is decorated....If this sounds like you, a franchise can be for you.

• Be a self-motivated self-starter - Remember, you're the boss here. It's up to you to get to work, open the store, acquire supplies, resolve conflict and much more. That's where it's like running your own business. You're the one to keep your employees motivated and excited and to get clients to come.

• Be willing to work non-traditional hours - Franchises are usually retail or restaurants, and these come with evening and weekend hours. You may be opening in the wee hours of the morning and staying till the franchise closes late in the evening or night. If this isn't in you, you may want to think twice about this opportunity.

What Kind of a Franchise?

As the following article looks at, if you have the personality and work ethic for a franchise, it's time to think about what are the best franchises for career changes.

You may be surprised when you find out how many businesses are franchises, from hair salons to fast food restaurants to tutoring facilities to snow cone shops.

Keep in mind:

• Think about your current career and what you love about it and what you don't. Do you want something totally different or something you are experienced in.

• Consider your hobbies. Do you love food? Think about a restaurant franchise.

• Are you currently in education or have had experience there - go with a tutoring franchise.

With all of the possibilities, there has to be something for everyone.

Take a look around, do a little research and you may soon be the owner of a successful franchise.

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About the Author: Heather Legg is an independent writer covering topics related to social media, small business and career changes.

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