List of The Most Important Career Page Metrics

Here is the list of the most important career page metrics that will help you evaluate, optimize and improve your career page performance.

Career page metrics for dummies :)

Career page metrics are among the most important recruitment metrics you should be tracking.

However, most HR professionals still shy away from career page metrics, thinking that they don’t have the time, resources and knowledge to handle them.

But they couldn’t be further away from the truth!

Tracking your career page metrics is very simple and easy these days.

Your modern recruitment software will do it for you!

This is just one of the many benefits of recruitment software: they automatically track the most important hiring metrics - including your career site metrics!

In other words, every HR professional can now easily dive into data-driven recruiting.

Tracking and measuring your career page metrics will enable you to evaluate, optimize and improve your career page performance.

To help you get started, we created a list of the most important career page metrics you should track on regular basis.

The list of the most important career page metrics

Here is the list of the most important career page metrics you should track on regular basis:

1. Number of visitors

This metrics will tell you how many people visited your career site in a certain period of time (during a day, week, month or even a year).

2. Source of visitors   

This metric will tell you the number of visitors that came to your career site from different sources, such as (Google, job boards, social media, email, etc.)

3. Source of applicants

This metric will tell you the number of applicants that came to your career site from different sources.

4. Application form abandon rate

This metrics will tell you how many people started filling in your application form but never actually submitted it.

5. Talent Network conversion rate

This metric will tell you how many people converted on your Talent Network landing page.

6. Average session duration

This metric will tell you what is the average length of time that visitors spend on your career site.

7. Career page bounce rate

This metric will tell you the percentage of visitors who come to your career site and immediately leave without doing anything.

8. Application form return rate

This metric will tell you how many of candidates that have abandoned application form return and complete it.

9. Career site paid traffic

This metric will tell you how many visitors come to your career site from paid advertising campaigns (on Google or social media).

10. Career site organic traffic

This metric will tell you how many visitors come to your career site directly from the search engines.

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