Maybe you are the newbie in the office, or perhaps a new person has joined your organisation, or maybe you head up a division within a company that requires fresh blood.

Whatever the case, everyone knows what it feels like to be new. The question is are you making the most out of your new role?

Embarking on a new career journey can be a very nervous and exhilarating time but it is also a great time to learn and develop as a person, after all you got this role on merit – you should make the most of it!

If like me you have recently joined a company, you will be acutely aware of the common things you do as a new person...

  • You arrive ridiculously early every morning for the first few weeks as you are afraid to turn up late, so early in fact that you have to go to the nearest Starbucks to pass the time and make sure you arrive at a reasonable hour.
  • You are also so determined to impress and prove your dedication that you stay late after work, and then when you get home spend all night glued to your computer screen, researching and looking up books your colleagues have suggested are a ‘good read’ just so you have a conversation starter tomorrow.
  • You also ask everyone’s advice, desperate to learn and be inquisitive but end up with a sore head and a multitude of conflicting ideas and opinions, with no idea of the original question you had asked.
  • Moreover, you are so determined to make your mark and impress your colleagues and bosses that you sign up and volunteer for everything from the work bake-off to blog entries.

I am very new to the full-time working world but to everyone reading this I am sure you will all remember too well doing some of the above and living on pure adrenalin in your first few weeks in a new job.  It is all part of the process but it seems to me that what you should always remember is that your first few weeks in a new role are the best time to ask questions and listen to your peers. It is also an opportune time to think of ways you can add value to your company and make a difference, plus it is the perfect time to make use of all the training and time your colleagues can give you.

From one newbie to all others, embrace being the new kid on the block and make your first few weeks count and this should set you up for a long and fruitful career.


Written by,

Emma Lodge.

Views: 82


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