People who take down comments when they get caught in a big fat Lie

Should be banned from the site. Yes Nicholas of espammer fame, I am talking about you.

After Nicholas posted his diatribe about being twitter busted by the guy who invented Ruby on Rails, I suggested to him that he had put his foot in his email mouth. He came back saying he knew exactly who he was sending to was recruiting for a CTO and had many billionaires in his email list.

When I reviewed the email he is credited with sending to ROR inventor I suggested to him that his email clearly was asking for several sr rails coders and the email went on to state that he had already filled the CTO position. In my opinion there was a lot of immaturity going on all over the whole deal but if his email that was sent to 90,000 people ,by the guy who got irritated by it, was being misrepresented he certainly might have a cause of action since he is screaming libel.

Nicholas seems to have handled my comments in a mature adult manner. He took mine down along with his statement that appears to have been a big fat fib about his email that resulted in him having achieved the title of the most prolific espammer in the IT recruiting world.

If you are going to throw a public fit Nicholas, don't tell a big lie then take it down when somebody catches you. If you are going to rant about "truth in journalism", try some of it yourself.

Views: 209

Comment by Matt Charney on March 17, 2014 at 9:20am

I like it when communities are self policing. Thanks for this, Sandra! 


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